ngandriau / repositories-deepdive

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Spring Data Repositories - A Deep Dive

I should change this project name.

This project is my sandbox to play with the following stack of techno:

  • Java & groovy
  • Spring
    • java spring configuration (no spring boot, not yet ;-) )
    • spring data repository
  • hibernate via JPA
  • activiti bpm
  • spock
  • gradle

quick howto

  • only dependency: java 7 or 8 (maybe 6, not tested)
  • clone the repo in direcotry <repo_home>
  • #cd <repo_home>
  • ./gradlew clean executeBookOrderProcess --daemon
  • You should see some trace similar to this, but may vary as:
    • list of books in order is randomly picked
    • approval, if necessary, is random
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService -   Missing key book in BD => load sample data
[INFO ] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService - deployOrderProcess()
[INFO ] o.a.e.i.b.d.BpmnDeployer - Processing resource processes/bookorder.bpmn
[INFO ] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService - queryActiveProcesses()
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService - found 0 active processes
[INFO ] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService - executeNewBookOrderProcess()
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService -   new proc started with id: 5 - from proc def:bookorder:1:4
[INFO ] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService - waitForAUserTask()
[INFO ] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService - newOrder()
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService -   process param[isbns]=[9781617290121, 1932394354, 1932394354, 1-932394-88-5 ]
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService -   process param[customerLastname]=GANDRIAU
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService -   found [0] waiting user tasks.
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService -   found a customer with id:1 and matching lastname:GANDRIAU. Use it
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService -   add book(9781617290121) in order
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService -   add book(1932394354) in order
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService -   add book(1932394354) in order
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService -   add book(1-932394-88-5 ) in order
[INFO ] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService - checkForApproval() - max amount for auto approval = 75
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService -   found the order with id(2)
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService -   order amount = 102.70
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService -     order need approval!
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService -   found [1] waiting user tasks.
[INFO ] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService - executeEveryUserTask()
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService -   found [1] waiting user tasks. Complete them all:
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService -     complete Task(Validate By Manager ) with id(20 )
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService -   ok, validation approved randomly
[INFO ] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService - waitEndOfAnyProc()
[INFO ] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService - queryActiveProcesses()
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService - found 1 active processes
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService -   found 1 active proc, wait...
Hourra Order Submited
[INFO ] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService - queryActiveProcesses()
[DEBUG] o.a.b.BookOrderProcessService - found 0 active processes

Content of the project

  • a few entity reprensting book, customer and bookorder
  • a few repositories to have CRUD and a few more search on them
  • a BookOrder Process in BPMN V2.0
  • a few utils to test it:
    • loadSampleData
    • execute a bookOrderProcess
  • some spock specifications, but not enough

Basic Idea

  • Production code is in java
    • entity, service, repositories
    • I will try a full groovy version soon
  • Utils and Tests are in groovy
    • Both cohabite nicelly with gradle and intellij IDEA



Language:Java 56.4%Language:Groovy 43.6%