ngandriau / my-dropwizard-project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


dropwizard project created using lazybones.

#lazybones create dropwizard 0.2 my-dropwizard-project

1 rest resource added then: /hello-world

To find out where to go from here, visit the dropwizard documentation.

There is a working service, liquibase migrations, hibernate support and a basic gradle build system including some shortcuts to the commands for running migrations and starting the service.


    +- src
        +- main
        |   +- groovy
        |   |     +- your.package.structure
        |   |           +- core
        |   |           +- db
        |   |           +- healthchecks
        |   |           +- resources
        |   |           +- core
        |   +- resources
        +- test
            +- groovy
            |     +- // Spock tests in here!
            +- resources
                  +- fixtures

Running The Application

To test the example application run the following commands.

  • To run the tests run

gradle test

  • To package the example run.

      gradle shadowJar
  • To drop an existing h2 database run.

      gradle dropAll
  • To setup the h2 database run.

      gradle migrate
  • To run the server run.

      gradle run



Language:Groovy 54.4%Language:Shell 45.6%