ng-dst / cng-crypto-utils

Simple command line and GUI tool based on CNG for encrypting, hashing, and signing files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Labs 3-4: Cryptography Utilities (CU, zCU)

CU is a simple suite of cryptographic functions implemented as a library, as a command line tool, and as a GUI tool (zCU) for context menu. It's built on top of the CNG API and provides a simplified interface for common cryptographic operations.


  • Encrypt files using symmetric algorithms and chaining modes
  • Sign and verify files
  • Hash files
  • Create and export keys to key files
  • Generate asymmetric key pairs
  • Generate random bytes


See for more detailed usage guide in different scenarios.

As a library

Include cu.h and use CU_ functions. Here is a basic example of how to use CU to encrypt a file:

#include "cu.h"

int main() {
    LPCTSTR szFileIn = "input.txt";
    LPCTSTR szFileOut = "input.txt.enc";

    LPBYTE pbKey = (LPBYTE) "sixteen-byte-key";
    DWORD cbKey = 16;

    LPBYTE pbIv = (LPBYTE) "0123456789abcdef";  // NULL -> random IV
    DWORD cbIv = 16;

    // Create key blob
    LPBYTE pbKeyBlob = NULL;
    DWORD cbKeyBlob = 0;
    NTSTATUS status = CU_CreateKeyBlob(szAlgo, pbKey, cbKey, &pbKeyBlob, &cbKeyBlob);
    if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
        // Handle error

    // Encrypt file
    status = CU_EncryptFile(szFileIn, szFileOut, szAlgo, szMode, pbKeyBlob, cbKeyBlob, pbIv, cbIv);
    if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
        // Handle error

    // Erase and free key blob
    if (pbKeyBlob) {
        SecureZeroMemory(pbKeyBlob, cbKeyBlob);

    return 0;

Many parameters are optional and have default values. For example, default algorithm is AES and default AES mode is CBC. IV can be NULL, and in that case, it will be generated randomly.

Most functions return NTSTATUS values, which are Windows error codes. You can use the NT_SUCCESS macro to check if the operation was successful.

Functions that require a pointer to a pointer to a buffer (e.g., CU_CreateKeyBlob) will allocate memory for the buffer. You should free this memory with free when you are done with it. Remember to zero out sensitive data before freeing (e.g. with SecureZeroMemory).

As a command line tool

Here are some examples of how to use CU from the command line:

  • To generate an AES-256 key and encrypt a file in CBC mode:
lab3.exe gen-key -a AES -c 256 -o key.bin
lab3.exe encrypt input.txt key.bin -o input.txt.enc -a AES -m CBC
  • To generate a key pair for ECDSA_P256, then sign and verify a file:
lab3.exe gen-pair -s ECDSA_P256 -c 256 priv_key.bin pub_key.bin
lab3.exe sign input.txt priv_key.bin -s ECDSA_P256 -a SHA256 -o signature.bin
lab3.exe verify input.txt pub_key.bin signature.bin -s ECDSA_P256 -a SHA256

Most flags (-a, -m, -s, -o) are optional and can be omitted. The program will let you know when a specific flag is required.

For algorithms list, use algo command. For help, use help.

As a Context menu GUI

There is a GUI wrapper: zCU. It is designed to be used in context menu, but it can be run from command line as well:
zcu.exe <command> [files...]

First, build the tool and place binaries (lab3.exe, zcu.exe) to build\ directory.

Navigate to shell\ and run install.ps1. Accept registry changes when prompted.

CU will be installed in C:\Program Files\CU\. To uninstall, run uninstall.ps1 in CU directory.

To use zCU on a file, right-click on the file and navigate to Cryptography menu:

Cryptography ->
    Encryption ->
    Signing ->
    Hashing ->

To generate keys, right-click on an empty space in a directory and use that menu as well:

Cryptography ->
    Key Generation ->
        Generate key...
        Generate key pair...

A small zCU window with parameters and key file selection will pop up.

Note: Not all algorithms, hashes, modes, etc. are compatible with each other by design.

If it says Invalid parameter or such, chances are you've actually picked wrong parameters.

Internal Architecture

Here's a brief overview of CU architecture and execution flow:

  1. Argument Parsing (argparse.c): parsing command-line arguments using the ParseArgs function. This function fills an ARGUMENTS structure with specified parameters.

  2. Command Execution (work.c): After parsing the arguments, the ExecCommand function is called. This function calls the appropriate function based on the command.

  3. Cryptography Utilities (cu directory): This directory makes a set of CU_ functions for encryption, decryption, hashing, signing, and key generation.

    • Encryption and Decryption (encrypt.c): Symmetric key encryption. The key is read from key blob, and IV is passed as an argument or generated randomly.

    • Hashing (hash.c): Hashing operation for files.

    • Signing and Verification (sign.c): Signing and verification of files. Generates file hash and creates a signature file for that hash.

    • Key Generation (key.c and pubkey.c): Handling symmetric and asymmetric keys (create, import, export). The keys are saved to binary files.

  4. Error Handling (error.c): Functions for printing error and usage messages.

As for zCU, it is a GUI wrapper that forms a command line for CU and executes it for each specified file. The code might seem complex but the concept is trivial.


This project is built using CMake, as specified in the CMakeLists.txt file. The project is organized into a static library (cu) and two executables (lab3.exe, zcu.exe).

CU supports both Unicode and ANSI builds, while zCU always uses Unicode. For ANSI CU version, unset UNICODE in CMakeLists.txt. This repo's release channel has Unicode builds.

To build the project, follow these steps:

  1. Create a build directory: mkdir build && cd build
  2. Generate build files: cmake ..
  3. Build the project: cmake --build .


  • Shell extension for context menu integration (lab 4) - Done!
  • GUI for easier key management (lab 5) jk

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Simple command line and GUI tool based on CNG for encrypting, hashing, and signing files


Language:C 94.7%Language:PowerShell 3.3%Language:CMake 2.0%