nfriend / inspiral

Relive your childhood in pixel-perfect bliss.

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Relive your childhood in pixel-perfect bliss.

A screenshot of Inspiral


This app is built using Flutter.

A note about code quality

This is a nights & weekends side project. My guiding principle while building this app is: have fun 😄. As a result, there are some rough patches in this code base that would require non-fun refactoring work that I simply haven't prioritized. This is not representative of my professional work! A much more representative example is my list of open-source contributions to GitLab.


flutter run

See the Flutter documentation for more information about running and debugging a Flutter application locally.

Note: I've mostly been using the VSCode plugin to launch and debug the app.

Database migrations

Changing the structure of the save data must be managed through [sqflite])( migrations. To create a new migration:

  1. Add the columns/tables you want to add to schema.dart.
  2. Add a new migration file in lib/database/migrations/upgrades. The file should be named upgrade_vX_to_vX.dart and export a function named upgradeVXToVX (replace the X's with the appropriate versions).
  3. Bump the localDatabaseVersion in lib/constants.dart
  4. In lib/database/on_database_upgrade.dart, import the migratino function and add it to the mapping of version number -> migration function
  5. Add a new test for the migration in integration_test/database/migrations_test.dart (see below)

Database migration tests

Database migrations are covered by an integration test that upgrades a test database from version 0 all the way to the latest version. It makes sure no errors occur while running some smoke tests along the way. When a new migration is added, be sure to add a test case for the new migration, and seed the database with semi-realistic data for each new version.

The test can be run like this:

flutter drive \
  --driver=test_driver/integration_test.dart \
  --target=integration_test/database/migrations_test.dart \
  -d <device id here>

<device id here> can be found by running flutter devices.

The minimum version of SQLite that needs to be supported is 3.7.11 (Android API level 16 - Android 4.1, Jelly Bean). It's wise to run these tests on both the newest and oldest supported devices, to make sure the SQLite code in this project is compatible with all compatible OSs.

Passing environment variables at build time

To pass an environment variable to the app at compile time, use --dart-define:

flutter run --dart-define=mySecret=ABCD1234

Environment variables are then referenced in the app using the [EnvironmentConfig](lib/environment_config.dart`) class.

Building a release

First, bump the version in pubspec.yaml.

Bump the semantic version portion (1.2.3) according to the type of change (i.e. major, minor, or patch).

Bump the build number portion (+13) by one, regardless of the type of change.

Then, run:



Upload the generated file (build/app/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab) through the Google Play Console website.


Open the generated file (build/ios/archive/Runner.xcarchive) in Xcode. Validate (optional) and then Distribute the app, uploading directly through App Store Connect.

Creating a GitLab release

Releases are automatically created by the pipeline when a tag is pushed to the repo. The content in store_listing/ is used as the release's description.

So, to create a new release:

  • Update the store_listing/ with a description of what's changed in the release
  • Commit this change
  • git tag vX.X.X
  • git push --tags
  • git push

Generating gears

Gear are generated by the gear_generator/ Node application. See the README in that directory for more information about this process.

Updating the launcher icon

This app uses flutter_launcher_icons to manage the app's icon for both Android and iOS.

The plugin is configured in pubspec.yaml. To re-generate the icons, run:

flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main


The CI build is failing due a dependency problem, but locally, everything works fine.

Make sure the default image in .gitlab-ci.yml matches the version of Flutter you are using locally:

  image: cirrusci/flutter:2.1.0-12.1.pre

Android does not require this configuration.



Relive your childhood in pixel-perfect bliss.


Language:Dart 97.0%Language:TypeScript 2.4%Language:EJS 0.3%Language:SCSS 0.1%Language:Ruby 0.1%Language:JavaScript 0.1%Language:HTML 0.0%Language:Shell 0.0%Language:Swift 0.0%Language:Kotlin 0.0%Language:Objective-C 0.0%