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Developer Advocate with 15+ years experience consulting for many different customers, in a wide range of contexts (such as telecoms, banking, insurances, large retail and public sector). Usually working on Java/Java EE and Spring technologies, but with focused interests like Rich Internet Applications, Testing, CI/CD and DevOps. Also double as a trainer and triples as a book author.

✍️ Most recent blog posts

Sticky sessions with Apache APISIX (2023-06-25)

Sticky sessions, also known as session affinity, is a mechanism by which a routing component that acts as a facade always routes a request to the same underlying upstream node. In this post, I’ll describe the reason behind sticky sessions, available alternatives, and how to implement them via Apache APISIX. Why sticky sessions? Sticky sessions became popular when we stored the state on the upstream node, not the database. I’ll use the example of a simplified e-commerce shop to exp[…​]

Evaluating Apache APISIX vs. Spring Cloud Gateway (2023-06-18)

Given the number of API Gateways available on the market, I’m regularly asked which is better. Better is a very subjective term. However, there’s no denying that if you’re advocating for a product, you should know your product and its competitors. In this post, I’d like to share my understanding of Spring Cloud Gateway and how it compares to Apache APISIX. I’m cautious when comparing products because most comparisons I read are heavily biased. That’s a risk, […​]

Playing with WASM on Docker (2023-06-11)

The idea of bytecode that can run anywhere dates back to the JVM inception (as far as I know). WebAssembly is the new implementation of an old idea. While WebAssembly is meant to run in the browser, Docker recently announced its capability to run WASM code without needing containers. In this post, I want to explore how it can work. Prerequisite Running WebAssembly is a beta feature and requires using containerd. To enable containerd, go to the Docker Desktop dashboard, then Settings  Fea[…​]

🗣️ Upcoming talks

Practical introduction to OpenTelemetry tracing @ Riviera DEV

Tracking a request’s flow across different components in distributed systems is essential. With the rise of microservices, their importance has risen to critical levels. Some proprietary tools for tracking have been used already: Jaeger and Zipkin naturally come to mind. Observability is built on three pillars: logging, metrics, and tracing. OpenTelemetry is a joint effort to bring an open standard to them. Jaeger and Zipkin joined the effort so that they are now OpenTelemetry compatible. In this talk, I’ll describe the above in more detail and showcase a (simple) use case to demo how you could benefit from OpenTelemetry in your distributed architecture.

Practical introduction to OpenTelemetry tracing @ JVM User Group Malaysia

Tracking a request’s flow across different components in distributed systems is essential. With the rise of microservices, their importance has risen to critical levels. Some proprietary tools for tracking have been used already: Jaeger and Zipkin naturally come to mind. Observability is built on three pillars: logging, metrics, and tracing. OpenTelemetry is a joint effort to bring an open standard to them. Jaeger and Zipkin joined the effort so that they are now OpenTelemetry compatible. In this talk, I’ll describe the above in more detail and showcase a (simple) use case to demo how you could benefit from OpenTelemetry in your distributed architecture.

Back to basics, getting traffic into your Kubernetes cluster @ KCD Turkey

However you’re using your Kubernetes cluster, you’ll sooner or later need to direct traffic into it. At this point, you’re spoiled with choice. Kubernetes provides no less than three different objects: NodePort, Ingress, and LoadBalancer. Of course, each of them comes with its limitations. For example, LoadBalancer requires a dedicated implementation provided by Cloud Platforms but not with most local distributions. Moreover, Kubernetes is introducing a new Gateway API, adding one more way to direct traffic to the cluster. In this talk, I’d like to offer an overview of all four options, with their pros and cons, and a more in-depth explanation of the new Gateway API.

🎥 Latest video recording

Latest video recording
Nicolas Fränkel: Evolving Your APIs, a Pragmatic Approach
