nflath / MSP430Emulator

Emulator/Debugger for the MSP430 architecture set used in the Microcorruption CTF

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This project contains a MSP430 emulator/debugger I wrote in order to solve the microcorruption CTF. It provides several features that were useful in debugging the problems, compared to the web interface - limited reversible debugging and instruction tracing, along with other features.


To run a binary: ./emulator


The emulator always starts in debug mode; 'c' represents continuing. A full list of commands available at the prompt is as follows (all arguments are in hex unless specified):

load $ARG - reloads the state of the emulator from the 'binary' file $ARG

break $ARG - when the PC is at $ARG, return to the debug prompt

watch $ARG - When the value at $ARG (either a memory adress or register) changes, return to the debug prompt

rb $ARG - remove the breakpoint or watchpoint at $ARG

reset - Resets the emulator to the initial state

c - Continue(run instructions until a breakpoint or watchpoint is hit).

s [$ARG] - Exeutes one instruction. If $ARG is given(in decimal), repeat $ARG times.

r [$ARG] - reverse-step. Return to the state before the instruction was executed. If $ARG is given(in decimal), repeat $ARG times.

f - run instructions until a function return occurs

p $\ARG - print the given memory address or register (examples : p *4400, p r14)

run $ARG - runs all instructions in the file $ARG

exit-on-finished - when the processor stops running, exit the program.

exit - exit

read-break $ARG - When a memory read of location $ARG occurs, return to the debug prompt.

compare $ARG - Compares the memory contents of the current state and the binary file $ARG and prints the difference.

dump - Prints a 'binary' file representing the current state.

--print [$ARG] - Always print executed instructions, even when not debugging (EG, if you are continuing until a breakpoint, every instruction is printed. If given an argument, the print will only occur if the instruction being executed is at that address.

rand $ARG - when a random number is generated, generates $ARG instead

--trace - When executing an instruction, print the bytes of thae assembly.

--break-on-print - If an instruction causes a character to be printed, return to the debug prompt

--break-on-input - If an instruction causes a character to be input, return to the debug prompt

steps - Prints the number of instructions since starting, or since the last 'reset-steps' command

reset-steps - resets the number of instructions displayed by the 'steps' command to 0

echo - echoes the argument

Data file format

The 'binary' format to load is essentially the copy-pasted 'Live Memory Dump' and 'Register State' fields on microcorruption - look at for an example.


execute 'make' in the source directory

However, it is a very rudimentary makefile, so may not work on all platforms. Please let me know if there are any issues.

Patches are welcome.

Possible Future Enhancements

  • Switch from snapshotting main memory to a diff-based reversible debugging
  • Don't leak memory all over the place
  • More cleanly split the emulator and the debugger state
  • Refactor the control loop to be much cleaner
  • Use more standard input functions (eg, for registers)


Emulator/Debugger for the MSP430 architecture set used in the Microcorruption CTF


Language:C++ 100.0%