nf-core / mag

Assembly and binning of metagenomes

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CAT_DB process has harcoded CAT subdirectory names

maxibor opened this issue · comments

Description of the bug

In the CAT_DB process, the subdirectories names are hardcoded (to database and taxonomy), which is problematic because the newer versions of the CAT database these directories renames to db and tax.
Furthermore, the symlinking of these subdirectories in the process might be posing an issue when running using singularity.

ERROR ~ Error executing process > 'NFCORE_MAG:MAG:CAT_DB (20231120_CAT_nr)'

Caused by:
  Missing output file(s) `database/*` expected by process `NFCORE_MAG:MAG:CAT_DB (20231120_CAT_nr)`

Command executed:

  if [[ 20231120_CAT_nr != *.tar.gz ]]; then
      ln -sr `find 20231120_CAT_nr/ -type d -name "*taxonomy*"` taxonomy
      ln -sr `find 20231120_CAT_nr/ -type d -name "*database*"` database
      mkdir catDB
      tar -xf 20231120_CAT_nr -C catDB
      mv `find catDB/ -type d -name "*taxonomy*"` taxonomy/
      mv `find catDB/ -type d -name "*database*"` database/

  cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml
      tar: $(tar --version 2>&1 | sed -n 1p | sed 's/tar (GNU tar) //')

Command exit status:

Command output:

Work dir:

Command used and terminal output

nextflow run nf-core/mag -r 2.5.4 \
    -profile eva,archgen \
    --input /home/lucia_winkler/speleothem/pilot_sequences/2024-04-16_samplesheet.csv \
    --outdir results \
    --reads_minlength 30 \
    --bbnorm \
    --igenomes_base "/home/maxime_borry/SDAG_old/04_genomes/" \
    --host_genome GRCh38 \
    --skip_spades \
    --refine_bins_dastool \
    --ancient_dna \
    --skip_prokka \
    --binning_map_mode own \
    --busco_db "/r1/people/maxime_borry/02_db/busco_downloads" \
    --run_gunc \
    --gunc_db /r1/people/maxime_borry/02_db/gunc/gunc_db_progenomes2.1.dmnd \
    --postbinning_input both \
    --gtdb_db /home/maxime_borry/02_db/gtdb/r207/gtdbtk_r207_v2_data.tar.gz \
    --cat_db "/home/maxime_borry/02_db/cat/20231120_CAT_nr" \
    -resume \

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Agree, that mdoule is very old and rather fragile

We should entirely replace CAT modules with official ones, and I think from:

Which looks MUCH better (although not yet on bioconda), as it also describves hwo to make custom databses etc.