nextgenusfs / dockerized-genemark

Docker version of gene prediction software GeneMark

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

dockerized GeneMark ES/ET/EP

This is a hacky way to run/install genemark with docker. Why? Well I develop on Mac OSX and GeneMark is no longer released for OSX, so this little repo will allow you to build a working GeneMark docker image and then "spoof" the and gmhmme3 scripts so that you can put this in your PATH and it can be picked up by some other software, ie funannotate.

You will need to download 64-bit GeneMark-ETP along with the license key to the same directory that you clone this repo from [GeneMark-ES/ET/EP+ ver 4.71_lic and LINUX 64 kernel 3.10 - 5 version]. Then from that location you should just be able run:

docker build -t genemark .

This command will copy genemark and install inside the docker image called genemark. Then using the bash wrapper scripts of and gmhmme3 will call the appropriate genemark execulatble via docker, ie:

# -------------------
Usage:  /opt/gmes_linux_64_4/  [options]  --sequence [filename]

GeneMark-ES Suite version 4.71_lic
Suite includes GeneMark.hmm, GeneMark-ES, GeneMark-ET and GeneMark-EP algorithms.

Input sequence/s should be in FASTA format.

Select one of the gene prediction algorithms:

  To run GeneMark-ES self-training algorithm

  To run GeneMark-ET with hints from transcriptome splice alignments
    --ET           [filename]; file with intron coordinates from RNA-Seq read splice alignment in GFF format
    --et_score     [number]; default 10; minimum score of intron in initiation of the ET algorithm

  To run GeneMark-EP with hints from protein splice alignments
    --dbep         [filename]; file with protein database in FASTA format
    --ep_score     [number,number]; default 4,0.25; minimum score of intron in initiation of the EP algorithm
    --EP           [filename]; file with intron coordinates from protein splice alignment in GFF format

  To run GeneMark.hmm predictions using previously derived model
    --predict_with [filename]; file with species specific gene prediction parameters

  To run ES, ET or EP with branch point model. This option is most useful for fungal genomes

  To run hmm, ES, ET or EP in PLUS mode (prediction with hints)
    --evidence     [filename]; file with hints in GFF format

  To run algorithms with alternative genetic codes
    --gcode      [number]; default 1; supported 1 and 6/26

Output formatting options:
  --format       [label]; default GTF; output gene prediction in GTF of GFF3 format
  --work_dir     [folder name]; default current working directory .;

Masking option
  --soft_mask    [number] or [auto]; default auto; to indicate that lowercase letters stand for repeats;
                 algorithm hard masks only lowercase repeats longer than specified length
                 In 'auto' mode hard masking threshold is selected by algorithm based on the size of the input genome
  --mask_penalty [number] or [auto]; default 0.03;

Run options
  --cores        [number]; default 1; to run program with multiple threads
  --pbs          to run on cluster with PBS support
  --v            verbose

Optional sequence pre-processing parameters
  --max_contig   [number]; default 5000000; will split input genomic sequence into contigs shorter then max_contig
  --min_contig   [number]; default 50000 (10000 fungi);
                 will ignore contigs shorter than min_contig in training
  --max_gap      [number]; default 5000; will split sequence at gaps longer than max_gap
                 Letters 'n' and 'N' are interpreted as standing within gaps
  --max_mask     [number]; default 5000; will split sequence at repeats longer then max_mask
                 Letters 'x' and 'X' are interpreted as results of hard masking of repeats

Optional parameters
  --max_intron            [number]; default 10000 (3000 fungi); maximum length of intron
  --max_intergenic        [number]; default 50000 (10000 fungi); maximum length of intergenic regions
  --min_contig_in_predict [number]; default 500; minimum allowed length of contig in prediction step
  --min_gene_in_predict   [number]; default 300 (120 fungi); minimum allowed gene length in prediction step
  --gc_donor              [value];  default 0.001; transition probability to GC donor in the range 0..1;
                          'off' switches GC donor model OFF
  --gc3          [number]; GC3 cutoff in training for grasses

Developer options
  --training     to run only training step of algorithm; applicable to ES, ET or EP
  --prediction   to run only prediction step of algorithms using species parameters from previously executed training; applicable to ES, ET or EP
  --usr_cfg      [filename]; use custom configuration from this file
  --ini_mod      [filename]; use this file with parameters for algorithm initiation
# -------------------


Docker version of gene prediction software GeneMark


Language:Shell 78.7%Language:Dockerfile 21.3%