newsqlguru / ict-index

Searchable Index of ICT Video Transcripts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Keyword Search for Transcribed ICT Video Content


  • The content of this repo and wiki is not and should not be considered financial advice.

Github Search Syntax Reference

  • Beta Search Syntax

  • The ict-index repo has been enrolled into the new search beta. Github added a few features to search in this pre-release. Boolean Operators are probably the most relevant to key word and term search. We can now use AND, OR, NOT and parentheses to build better search queries.

  • Examples:

  • Complete search term, will return results with the entire search term only.

    • repo:newsqlguru/ict-index "smt divergence"
  • AND operator, will return results with "smt" and "divergence" key words.

    • repo:newsqlguru/ict-index smt AND divergence
  • OR operator, will return results with "smt" or "divergence".

    • Warning use parentheses to ensure the search results are what is expected.
    • repo:newsqlguru/ict-index (smt OR divergence)
  • Combined Logical Query Operators, will return results with "smt" and "correlation" or "divergence"

    • repo:newsqlguru/ict-index smt AND (correlation OR divergence)
  • Official Docs

  • Cheat Sheet Gist


  • The file naming convention is videoId_transcription.json
  • The video id can be used for reference if needed.
  • There is a 1:1 relationship between video and transcription file.
  • File Naming Convention (yyyy-MM-dd-hhmmss-videoId-transcription.json)
    • i.e. 2022-09-10-070004-FgacYSN9QEo-transcription.json
    • This naming convention shows the date and time of publication by ICT.
    • When searching for terms note the file name to understand when the term has been used.

Known Issues

  • Copy and Paste into Github's Search Bar returns no results except for ReadMe file matches.
    • i.e. If a search term is copied and pasted into the search bar, the results are not valid.
    • When the same term is typed into the search bar the results are returned as expected. (No idea why this is the case)

Use Case

  • Keyword Search

  • Use Github's Search and Limit Search Scope to This Repo

    Keyword Search

  • Search for Keywords with Github's search syntax.

  • "Fair Value Gap" will find the full term (Fair Value Gap)

  • Fair Value Gap will find all files with Fair OR Value OR Gap

  • Search results provide a generated url with a time offset, to the point when the term is used in the video.


  • Select the URL of interest from the search results



  • Review the content of interest



Searchable Index of ICT Video Transcripts

License:GNU General Public License v3.0