newm4n / retter

RETTER is a simple server that provides circuit breaking for Web Applications. By using a CircuitBreaker in your web solution, you make your solution tobe more fault-tolerant, reliable and resilient toward heavy load.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

\______   \_   _____/\__    ___/\__    ___/\_   _____/\______   \
 |       _/|    __)_   |    |     |    |    |    __)_  |       _/
 |    |   \|        \  |    |     |    |    |        \ |    |   \
 |____|_  /_______  /  |____|     |____|   /_______  / |____|_  /
        \/        \/\/         \/ 

Build Status

Problem Statement

  • My HTTP server now being hit by gazillion request per-second.
  • When this happen, my user start to suffer. As their experience becoming worse and worse overtime.
  • As response time grew longer, request time-out started to creep to my user.
  • My Web App logs shows errors like "DB Error : Too many connection open" appears like hell.
  • People told me to do a Horizontal or Vertical scaling toward my web or database server. But I only have a budget for none, may be I can squeeze 1 small server.
  • I need my user to slowdown a bit. To give my server time to breathe. But I don't want to sacrifice my user experiences.
  • I don't want to code my Web App further since I already optimize the hell out of it.

How RETTER can help?

  • Retter is a server application that implements Circuit Breaker pattern.
  • It sits infront of your Web Server receiving HTTP requests and forward them to your server.
  • When it sees that your server start to get overwhelmed by requests, for the next incoming request, RETTER will reply back to the requester with the last known success response.
  • This way, RETTER give time for your Web App (and all connected server, eg. DB Server) to finish its piling tasks and recover back resources such as memory and database connections.

In normal condition (CIRCUIT CLOSE):

                        RETTER forwards request and response to your webapp
  _______               +--------+            +--------+          +--------+
/         \ --request-->|        |--request-->|        |--query-->|        |
| Internet |            | RETTER |            | WEBAPP |          |   DB   |
\_________/ <--request--| cache  |<-response--|        |<-result--|        |
                        +--------+            +--------+          +--------+

In ugly condition (CIRCUIT OPEN):

 RETTER immediately respond to new requests with last known success response 
  _______               +--------+            +--------+          +--------+
/         \ --request-->|        |-----+      |        |--query-->|        |
| Internet |            | RETTER |     v      | WEBAPP |          |   DB   |
\_________/ <--request--| cache  |<-response--|        |<-result--|        |
                        +--------+            +--------+          +--------+
                           Thus gives time to your server to finish their works


Using available binary

Go to RETTER release page, download the executable on the version you preffer.

Use Golang to automatically install.

Install Golang on your server. Once installed, you can simply...

go install

The executable binnary will be located at $GOPATH/bin/retter, Make sure your $GOPATH/bin is in your $PATH You can run the server straight away.

Running RETTER

Once you get a hand on the binnary. You can simply execute them. If your configuration is correct, it will run smoothly.

Configuring RETTER

RETTER configuration are all done through Environment Variables. Please put in the following environment variables if you want to change some of RETTER behavior.

Envorinment Variable Description Example / Default
RETTER_CACHE_TTL The cache Time To Live in Seconds 5
RETTER_CACHE_DETECT_QUERY Take query parameter (if exist) as cache key false
RETTER_CACHE_DETECT_SESSION Take Cookie header for session as cache key true
RETTER_BACKEND_BASEURL The base url of your server to protect http://localhost:8088
RETTER_SERVER_LISTEN The address where this RETTE server will be accessible :8089
RETTER_BREAKER_FAIL_RATE The failrate to which will trigger the circuit OPEN 0.66
RETTER_BREAKER_CONSECUTIVE_FAIL The number of consecutive error to trigger circuit OPEN 5
RETTER_SERVER_TIMEOUT_WRITE The retter's server write timeout 15 seconds,
RETTER_SERVER_TIMEOUT_READ The retter's server read timeout 15 seconds,
RETTER_SERVER_TIMEOUT_IDLE The retter's idle timeout 60 seconds,
RETTER_SERVER_TIMEOUT_GRACESHUT The retter's grace shutdown time 15 seconds,


Please notice that this benchmark is greatly influenced by the network limitation.

goos: windows
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkRetterHTTPHandler_ServeHTTP-6   	       6	 450803033 ns/op

Tasks and Help Wanted

Yes. We need contributors to make RETTER even better and useful to the Open Source Community.

  • Need to do more and more and more tests.
  • Better code coverage test.
  • Better commenting for go doc best practice.
  • Improve function argument handling to be more fluid and intuitive.

If you really want to help us, simply Fork the project and apply for Pull Request. Please read our Contribution Manual and Code of Conduct


Q1 : Is it guaranteed that my web performance increases ?
A1 : Slight increase, Yes!. What is more important is "Resilience" to your web server.

Q2 : Is it good for streaming server? Or servers that provides huge content (eg. movie)?
A2 : Nope. RETTER will easily running out of memory and it give delays as it need to get the full response first for caching.

Q3 : I have multiple WebApp, its like a cluster. Can 1 RETTER server instance serve them all?
A3 : Nope. RETTER can sit infront of a WEB balancer though. It will forward all headers such as X-Real-IP or X-Forwarded-For

Q4 : Do RETTER remember HTTP sessions (eg PHPSESSID)? I do sticky session and content are delivered per-user basis, different content for different user.
A4 : Yup. RETTER caches responses based on the URL Paths and Cookie of PHPSESSID, JSESSIONID and ci_session

Q5 : Do RETTER support response compression?
A5 : Yup. Only if the HTTP client requested using Accept-Encoding: gzip header.

Q6 : Do RETTER support response compression?
A6 : Yup. Only if the HTTP client requested using Accept-Encoding: gzip header.

Q7 : My API-Gateway already have Circuit Breaker, should I use RETTER? or is using RETTER do any better?
A7 : Go away !! You are just trolling me.

Q8 : RETTER is buggy, you noob golang programmer, can you do any better?
A8 : Nope, Until you put an Issue. Or even better, a PR!

Q9 : What is being cached by RETTER?
A9 : RETTER will cache all response of all GET..., Yes GET method, identified by its URL path + queries + session cookies.

Q10 : If the circuit breaker only works for GET request, how about the other?
A10 : Other method WILL NOT BE circuit breaked; that means all POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, HEAD, PATCH will be forwarded to your web-app normally.

Q11 : Could you make RETTER to use Redis for caching, instead of its own implementation?
A11 : Good idea, I bet you could help me, please take a look at the Caching.go and create Redis implementation. Don't forget to make a PR! Thanks.


RETTER is a simple server that provides circuit breaking for Web Applications. By using a CircuitBreaker in your web solution, you make your solution tobe more fault-tolerant, reliable and resilient toward heavy load.

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Go 98.6%Language:Makefile 1.4%