netzfisch / dotfiles-old

My personal dotfiles!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

netzfisch does also dotfiles

These dotfiles personalize my system, but feel free to fork them. Originally I cloned them from thoughtbot/dotfiles, who focus mainly at ruby development with tools like vim, tmux and git. But meanwhile I customised for my needs to use with ubuntu/lubuntu and integrate with Ethan Schoonover solarized-theme for Xfce4-Terminal and VIM.

Heads-up: If you run into trouble concerning terminal colors, check this excellent post for a general overview - how things suppose to work!

Differently from thoughtbot I track my customisations (files with .local-extension) also in git. That way ALL my configurations are tracked and I keep easily up with the orginal fork by doing:

git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master

See the unofficial guide to dotfiles on GitHub and why you want to track down you dotfiels and to get started with a bootstrap!


Set zsh as your login shell:

chsh -s /bin/zsh

Fork or clone onto your box:

git clone git://

Than install:

cd dotfiles

This will create symlinks for config files in your home directory.

Make your own customizations

Put your customizations in dotfiles appended with .local:

  • ~/.aliases.local
  • ~/.gitconfig.local
  • ~/.gvimrc.local
  • ~/.tmux.conf.local
  • ~/.vimrc.local
  • ~/.vimrc.bundles.local
  • ~/.zshrc.local

What's in it?

vim configuration:

  • Ctrl-P for fuzzy file/buffer/tag finding.
  • Rails.vim for enhanced navigation of Rails file structure via gf and :A (alternate), :Rextract partials, :Rinvert migrations, etc.
  • Run RSpec specs from vim.
  • Set <leader> to a single space.
  • Switch between the last two files with space-space.
  • Syntax highlighting for CoffeeScript, Textile, Cucumber, Haml, Markdown, and HTML.
  • Use Ag instead of Grep when available.
  • Use Exuberant Ctags for tab completion.
  • Use GitHub color scheme.
  • Use Vundle to manage plugins.

tmux configuration:

  • Improve color resolution.
  • Remove administrative debris (session name, hostname, time) in status bar.
  • Set prefix to Ctrl+a (like GNU screen).
  • Soften status bar color from harsh green to light gray.

git configuration:

  • Adds a create-branch alias to create feature branches.
  • Adds a delete-branch alias to delete feature branches.
  • Adds a merge-branch alias to merge feature branches into master.
  • Adds an up alias to fetch and rebase origin/master into the feature branch. Use git up -i for interactive rebases.

Shell aliases and scripts:

  • b for bundle.
  • g with no arguments is git status and with arguments acts like git.
  • git-churn to show churn for the files changed in the branch.
  • m for rake db:migrate && rake db:rollback && rake db:migrate && rake db:test:prepare.
  • mcd to make a directory and change into it.
  • rake is zeus rake if using Zeus on the project in current directory.
  • replace foo bar **/*.rb to find and replace within a given list of files.
  • rk for rake.
  • rspec is zeus rspec if using Zeus on the project in current directory.
  • tat to attach to tmux session named the same as the current directory.
  • v for $VISUAL.


Thanks to thoughtbot and the contributors.

These dotfiles are free software and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.


My personal dotfiles!



Language:Vim Script 50.2%Language:Shell 35.3%Language:Ruby 14.5%