networkslab / rnn_flow

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RNN with Particle Flow for Probabilistic Spatio-temporal Forecasting

This is an implementation of the methodology in "RNN with Particle Flow for Probabilistic Spatio-temporal Forecasting". The arXiv version is available at

You can

  • reproduce the results for AGCGRU+flow, DCGRU+flow, and GRU+flow algorithms in our paper and supplementary material with the checkpoints of our trained models.
  • re-train the models with the same hyperparameter setting and evaluate the forecasts.


To reproduce the results in the paper with the pre-trained checkpoints

  1. download the preprocessed datasets and checkpoints from
  2. unzip the downloaded zip file inside the folder rnn_flow
  3. run script python --search_dir ckpt/pretrained --output_dir ./result_pretrained --gpu_id 0


Then the results will be saved in the ./result_pretrained.


To train the model

  1. download the preprocessed datasets and checkpoints and decompress the downloaded zip file inside the folder rnn_flow
  2. train model with script (e.g.) : python --dataset PEMS07 --rnn_type agcgru --cost mae --gpu_id 0 --trial_id --ckpt_dir ./ckpt --data_dir ./data
  3. evaluate with script: python --dataset PEMS07 --rnn_type agcgru --cost mae --gpu_id 0 --trial_id 0 --ckpt_dir ./ckpt --output_dir ./result  

Note that:

  • the setting of --dataset, --rnn_type, --cost, --trial_id and --ckpt_dir should be consistent in training and evaluation.
  • --trial_id controls the random seed; by changing it, we can get multiple-trials of results with different random seeds.




  • agcgru
  • dcgru
  • gru


  • mae (for MAE, MAPE and RMSE computation)
  • nll (for CRPS, P10QL and P90QL computation)


Other Settings

The adjacency matrices of the graphs of the datasets are stored in ./data/sensor_graph (--graph_dir).

The model configs are stored in ./data/model_config (--config_dir)

If the folders are changed, please make the arguments of and consistent.



The code has been tested with python 3.7.0 with the following packages installed (along with their dependencies):

  • tensorflow-gpu==1.15.0
  • numpy==1.19.2
  • networkx==2.5
  • pandas==1.1.3
  • scikit-learn==0.23.2
  • PyYAML==5.3.1
  • scipy==1.5.4

In addition, for running with gpu, the code has been tested with CUDA 10.0 and cuDNN 7.4.


Please cite our paper if you use this code in your own work:

author={S. Pal and L. Ma and Y. Zhang and M. Coates}, 
booktitle={Proc. Int. Conf. Machine Learning}, 
title={{RNN} with Particle Flow for Probabilistic Spatio-temporal Forecasting},
address={Virtual Conference}}



Language:Python 100.0%