netvote / fabric-vote

Vote platform built on Hyperledger Fabric v0.6 (deprecated)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This evolved from the Hyperledger Starter Kit.

  1. Admin APIs
    1. Create Ballot
    2. Get Results
  2. Voter APIs
    1. Get Ballot
    2. Cast Vote
  3. Events
    1. Vote Event
  4. Chaincode

Admin APIs

Create Ballot

POST /ballot

Creates a set of decisions. A ballot is just a payload of decisions with some metadata around privacy.

This example ballot includes two decisions.

  1. Favorite Color: 1-time vote between Red/BlueGreen
  2. Favorte Beer: A user may vote once per day and must choose two favorite beers each time.


	"Ballot": {
		"Name": "Test Election",
		"Private": false
	"Decisions": [{
		"Id": "favorite-color",
		"Name": "What is your favorite color?",
		"Options": [{
			"Id": "red",
			"Name": "The Color Red",
			"Props": {
				"key": "value"
		}, {
			"Id": "blue",
			"Name": "The Color Blue",
			"Props": {
				"key": "value"
		"Props": {
			"key": "value"
	}, {
		"Id": "favorite-beer",
		"Name": "Pick your two favorite beers",
		"Options": [{
			"Id": "IPA",
			"Name": "IPA",
			"Props": {
				"key": "value"
		}, {
			"Id": "pils",
			"Name": "Pilsner",
			"Props": {
				"key": "value"
		"Props": {
			"key": "value"
		"ResponsesRequired": 2,
		"Repeatable": true,
		"RepeatVoteDelayNS": 86400000000
  • Ballot.Name: Name for ballot (not displayed today)
  • Ballot.Private: (optional, default=true) If true, only assigned voters will see the decisions. If false, any voter for this account will see these decisions.
  • Decision.Id: Key for this decision (must be unique)
  • Decision.Name: Displayable name for this decision
  • Decision.Options: List of options for this decision
  • Decision.Props: (optional) Arbitrary key-value map to aid the API user. (image urls, etc)
  • Decision.Repeatable: (optional, default=false) Allow a voter to vote again after RepeatVoteDelayNS elapses
  • Decision.RepeatVoteDelayNS: (optional) Wait period in Nanoseconds before a repeat-vote is allowed
  • Decision.ResponsesRequired: (optional) Number of vote units that must be spent in a decision.

Get Results

GET /decision/{decision-id}

Gets current results for a decision


	"Id": "favorite-color",
	"Results": {
		"ALL": {
			"Red": 1,
			"Blue": 2
  • Id: Unique identifier for this decision
  • Results.{key}: Values like ALL above are a partition of voters. By default, only ALL is a partition.
  • Results[key] map: The results are in the form OPTION:SCORE

Voter APIs

Get Ballot for Voter

GET /ballot/{voter-id}

Returns the list of decisions this voter is eligible to make. These might be across ballots within an account. A UX can decide whether these are in different views. (e.g., voting for favorite cake and voting for company board might not be on same page)

This calls an init_voter followed by a get_ballot chaincode transaction.


	"Id": "favorite-color",
	"Name": "What is your favorite color?",
	"BallotId": "ba0d6eee-6f45-4a0c-b3f7-2f8659b72c2b",
	"Options": [{
		"Id": "red",
		"Name": "The Color Red",
		"Props": {
			"key": "value"
	}, {
		"Id": "blue",
		"Name": "The Color Blue",
		"Props": {
			"key": "value"
	"Props": {
		"key": "value"
	"Repeatable": false,
	"RepeatVoteDelayNS": 0,
	"ResponsesRequired": 1
}, {
	"Id": "favorite-beer",
	"Name": "What is your favorite beer?",
	"BallotId": "47db9c36-af07-4383-baaf-0e143c4cb232",
	"Options": [{
		"Id": "IPA",
		"Name": "IPA",
		"Props": {
			"key": "value"
	}, {
		"Id": "pils",
		"Name": "Pilsner",
		"Props": {
			"key": "value"
	"Props": {
		"key": "value"
	"Repeatable": false,
	"RepeatVoteDelayNS": 0,
	"ResponsesRequired": 1
  • Id: Unique identifier for this decision
  • Name: Displayable name for this decision
  • BallotId: (optional) Which ballot this decision was created for
  • Options: List of selections (only Id is required)
  • Props: Arbitrary key-value (string:string) map to aid the API user. (image urls, etc)
  • Repeatable:Whether a user can vote more than once
  • RepeatVoteDelayNS: Wait period in Nanoseconds before a repeat-vote is allowed
  • ResponsesRequired: Number of vote units that must be spent in a decision.

Cast Vote

POST /vote/{voter-id} Casts a vote for a voter


   "DecisionId": "favorite-color",
   "Selections": {
     "red": 1
   "Props": {
     "key": "value"
   "Reasons": {
     "red": {
   "DecisionId": "favorite-beer",
   "Selections": {
     "ipa": 1
  • DecisionId: Unique identifier for this decision
  • Selections: Map of selection to number of votes to allocate (must add up to ResponsesRequired)
  • Props: (optional) Arbitrary key-value (string:string) map to aid the API user. (This can be attributes of vote or voter)
  • Reasons: (optional Arbitrary map of key:OBJ



When a user votes, the following event is emitted. Currently this goes nowhere, but will likely be sent to kinesis.

	"payload": "{\"Voter\":{\"Id\":\"slanders2\",\"Partitions\":[],\"DecisionIdToVoteCount\":{\"favorite-beer\":0,\"favorite-beer2\":0,\"favorite-color\":0,\"favorite-color2\":0},\"LastVoteTimestampNS\":1480542484398474615,\"Props\":null},\"Vote\":{\"VoterId\":\"slanders2\",\"Decisions\":[{\"DecisionId\":\"favorite-beer2\",\"Selections\":{\"ipa\":1},\"Reasons\":null,\"Props\":null},{\"DecisionId\":\"favorite-color2\",\"Selections\":{\"blue\":1},\"Reasons\":null,\"Props\":null}]},\"AccountId\":\"acct-id\"}",
	"accountId": "acct-id",
	"chaincodeId": "netvote",
	"eventName": "VOTE",
	"txId": "6c61485b-c911-4b9b-bf80-f0ee08b6dffd",
	"timestamp": 1480542484292108684
Event Fields
  • payload: string containing the Vote and Voter objects
  • accountId: customer account ID for this vote
  • chaincodeId: ID of the chaincode (typically a hash representing version). Treat as opaque.
  • eventName: name of this event (currently only VOTE)
  • txId: blockchain transaction ID for this vote
  • timestamp: current time in unix nanoseconds for this event


This contains blockchian transactions for creating decisions, voters, and casting votes.

Admin Invoke Transactions

  • add_decision: (admin) create a decision configuration
  • add_ballot: (admin) creates a ballot with list of decision objects, returns ballot with ID
  • add_voter: (admin) creates a voter on blockchain and allocates votes primarily for private voting

Voter Invoke Transactions

  • init_voter: (voter) lazy-creates a voter and allocates votes for all 'public ballots' in same account
  • cast_votes: (voter) spends votes on decisions, which updates results, removes votes from voter

Query Transactions

  • get_results: (admin) retrieves current results of a given decision
  • get_ballot: (voter) retrieves ballot and vote units for the current user (using certificate attribute)


For now, this is a hardcoded yaml with the initial admin. All users are created at runtime via the node apps. The steps follow the registration/enrollment process defined here:

node clients

These are basic clients that interact with a docker peer and can Invoke or Query chaincode transactions.

The Hyperledger rest API is available on port 7050 on the peer node.


Vote platform built on Hyperledger Fabric v0.6 (deprecated)


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