netgusto / algocodesearch

πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ off-sprint project that intends to index symbols from a language server (LSP), for code search

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Off-sprint project that intends to index symbols from a language server (LSP), for code search.

Try the resulting Code Seach UI:


Do better than GitHub to discover and explore a codebase.

Use cases:

  • find that user-identification API call by just typing "user", and then exploring
  • share a tutorial on how a particular sequence of actions is being run in the code
  • find insights about how symbols are spread in your codebase, to help you refactor

How to use the back-end

  • Launch the Language Server in one terminal:


$ git clone
$ cd javascript-typescript-langserver
$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ node lib/language-server --trace


# Install
$ gopls -v serve -rpc.trace --port 2089 --debug=localhost:6060 -logfile /tmp/log.log -listen
  • Run the client in a separate terminal:
$ git clone
$ cd algocodesearch
$ npm install
$ npm run test:js # with js lsp running
$ npm run test:go # with go lsp running

This should send a LSP request to the server and print the response to stdout.

  • Index a directory that contains JS source code
# git clone
# cd algocodesearch
# npm install
$ node indexing.js ../my-js-project/ "output-file-prefix"
# => will generate output-file-prefix-index-symbols.json and output-file-prefix-index-refs.json
  • Then you can import these 2 files into Algolia indices

WIP / Next Steps

  • UI (webapp-v2 on codesandbox)

    • add a button to go back to root/home page
    • add breadcrumbs: go beyond grouping by file, also add name of class and function/method, and make them clickable (i.e. broadening the scope by going up the tree)
    • allow each symbol or reference from the text property to be clickable (i.e. horizontal nagivation)
    • allow search/filtering of refs after clicking on a symbol, or disable the search bar
    • support more than one step on a same page, like Jupyter notebooks
    • make the URL persistent (for all steps), in order to be able to share the steps
    • make sure that steps will persist by snapshoting the commit id of each result
    • make the UI look better 😎
    • try with actual data from the indexer, even by importing JSON directly to the UI code
  • For one file of source code

    • Get all symbols
      • For each symbol, output a json record
          "objectID": (hash of JSON)
          "name": "WorkspaceSymbolParams",
          "kind": 13,
          "location": {
              "uri": "file:///path/to/javascript-typescript-langserver/src/typescript-service.ts",
              "range": {
                  "start": {
                      "line": 62,
                      "character": 4
                  "end": {
                      "line": 62,
                      "character": 25
    • For each symbol, get all references + definition
      • For each reference, output a json record
            "uri": "file:///path/to/javascript-typescript-langserver/node_modules/%40types/lodash/common/lang.d.ts",
            "range": {
                "start": {
                    "line": 11,
                    "character": 8
                "end": {
                    "line": 11,
                    "character": 17


πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ off-sprint project that intends to index symbols from a language server (LSP), for code search


Language:JavaScript 68.6%Language:TypeScript 17.7%Language:HTML 10.2%Language:CSS 3.3%Language:Go 0.1%