nesl / auritus

Auritus: An Open-Source Optimization Toolkit for Training and Development of Human Movement Models and Filters Using Earables

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Unavailable link to dataset of complex head pose

shengzhelyu65 opened this issue · comments


Firstly I want to appreciate this amazing project you have done! Thanks for sharing the dataset in public.

I have been trying to access the "Complex Head Pose" dataset shared via Google Drive. Unfortunately, the current link appears to be unavailable. I kindly request that the dataset's owners consider re-uploading the dataset or provide an alternative means of access. Thank you for your assistance in addressing this request! The dataset will only be used in academic use.

Ya you are right. I have to check to see if the complex head pose dataset is available anywhere else.

We found the dataset and will reupload in a day or two.

Thanks again for your sincere work!

@shengzhelyu65 we have uploaded at minimum the csv files for the complex headpose. .tak files are present for subjects 1-15. We will upload the .tak files for subjects 15-45 soon. We will also upload the .c3d files and .csv file with TD for all subjects soon. Please find the dataset here:

Thank you for your assistance!

We uploaded all the necessary files. They should be in the drive link now. For subjects 1-15 we will upload the c3d and td csv files by tomorrow. Closing this issue