nervous-systems / youtube-eliza

Answering the hard questions w/ Clojurescript, AWS Lambda & Slack

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Assuming the project file contains an IAM role capable of executing further Lambda functions:

$ lein cljs-lambda deploy

Running will use the AWS CLI to create an API Gateway endpoint which accepts Slack's slash command notifications:

$ ./ [--function-name yt-eliza-gateway --name yt-eliza --profile default]

The URL output by the shell script can be used as a POST target, invoking your Lambda function with a JSON object constructed from the form parameters submitted by Slack.

The API will be tied to the $LATEST version of your Lambda function - subsequent cljs-lambda deploy invocations will cause accesses of the exposed API Gateway endpoint to invoke the most recently deployed code.


Answering the hard questions w/ Clojurescript, AWS Lambda & Slack

License:The Unlicense


Language:Clojure 66.0%Language:Shell 26.0%Language:FreeMarker 7.4%Language:JavaScript 0.6%