nerdoza / vue-click

Vue plugin for advanced click directive

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Vue Click


Vue 3 plugin for advanced click directive.



npm install --save vue-click

Install the plugin into Vue:

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import VueClick from 'vue-click'

const app = createApp({/* App Config */})


This package is available from the JSDELIVR and UNPKG content delivery networks (CDNs) and utilizes the UMD module system so it's ready to use directly in the browser without a build step.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
  const app = Vue.createApp({/* App Config */})



Use the v-click directive very similarly to how you would use v-on:click:

<button v-click="openModal">

Further modify the behavior of the button by adding modifiers:

<button v-click.double.once="removeAd">
<button v-click.throttle.400s="openModal">

Only one behavior and one modifier can be used in a single directive declaration, but multiple directives can be placed on the same element.


One behavior may be used in a declaration and defines the trigger for the event.

Single Click Behavior (Default)

The v-click event will be fired immediately on a click event similar to v-on:click.

<button v-click="openModal">

Double Click Behavior

The v-click event can be bound to fire only on a double click. The event is fired only after 2 clicks within a time period.

<button v-click.double="openModal">

The default time period is 300ms, but this can be modify by append the preferred time to the double modifier.

<button v-click.double.1s="openModal">

Hold Behavior

The v-click event can be bound to fire after a specified amount of time that the button is held down.

<button v-click.hold="openModal">

The default time period is 300ms, but this can be modify by append the preferred time to the hold modifier.

<button v-click.hold.1s="openModal">

Press Behavior

The v-click event will be fired immediately on the down event, regardless of if the up event has occurred. This binding can be combined with the release behavior for advanced bindings or for scenarios where event latency is very important.


Release Behavior

The v-click event will be fired immediately on the up event, which will always be preceded by a down event. This binding can be combined with the press behavior for advanced bindings or for scenarios where event latency is very important.

<button v-click.release="openModal">


One modifier may be used in a declaration and changes the behavior of the event trigger to reduce unintended event firing.

Once Modifiers

The once modifier causes the click listener to only issue a call once and then the binding is disposed.

<button v-click.double.once="openModal">

Throttle Modifier

The v-click can be throttled to prevent accidentally issuing multiple click events. The event is fired immediately upon the first click, but subsequent clicks are ignored until the desired time interval has passed. Each click resets the time interval.

<button v-click.throttle="openModal">

The default time interval is 300ms, but this can be modify by append the preferred time to the throttle modifier.

<button v-click.throttle.500ms="openModal">

Debounce Modifier

The v-click can be debounced to prevent the premature issuance of click events. The event is fired only after a time period of inactivity. Each click resets the time period.

<button v-click.debounce="openModal">

The default time period is 300ms, but this can be modify by append the preferred time to the debounce modifier.

<button v-click.debounce.20ms="openModal">


The time attribute allows overriding of default times by appending the time period to the end of the behavior or modifier (ie: double, throttle, debounce).

Time modifiers automatically use milliseconds as the default unit of measure, but additional units are supported by appending the unit abbreviation to the value.

Time Units:

  • ms - Milliseconds
  • s - Seconds
  • m - Minutes
<button v-click.throttle.1s="openModal">

Note: When applied to a declaration with two time sensitive interactions (ex: double.throttle) the same time is applied to both attributes.

Function Call Arguments

When it is necessary to pass an argument to the function triggered on the click event, add the argument to the end of the directive as an argument.

<button v-click.throttle:open="buttonPress">
buttonPress (arg) {
  if (arg === 'open') {

For the above example, the buttonPress function will be called with the string open passed in as the argument. There is only support for a single argument and it will always be passed in as a string.


The addition of TouchEvent support has resulted in the breaking of normal event propagation which means pseudo selectors like :active and :focus will no longer active on events. Instead, the data-vc-state-active data attribute will be applied during the target elements active state. This works better across both mobile and desktop environments than the :active state as it's cleared when the user's finger is removed (where :active persists until focus is changed). There is also a data-vc-state-deactivate data attribute which is applied when the binding is removed from an element (ex: once modifier).

This plugin also provides data attributes for the behavior to allow advanced styling based on the desired user experience.

button {
  text-decoration: none;
  cursor: pointer;
  user-select: none;
  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
  touch-action: none;

button:focus {
  outline: none;

button[data-vc-state-active] {
  outline: none;
  box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);

button[data-vc-state-deactivated] {
  background: ghostwhite !important;
  cursor: inherit;
  outline: none;
  box-shadow: none;

button[data-vc-bind-click] {
  background-color: aquamarine;

button[data-vc-bind-double] {
  background-color: aqua;

button[data-vc-bind-hold] {
  background-color: lightcyan;

button[data-vc-bind-press] {
  background-color: lavender;

Note: When the once modifier is applied, the data-set binding will be removed once the event listener is removed (after the event is fired).

Copyright and License

© 2022 Zachary Cardoza under the MIT license.


Vue plugin for advanced click directive

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 61.1%Language:JavaScript 16.7%Language:HTML 14.7%Language:CSS 7.5%