nerdland-unofficial-fans / nerdlandbot

Nerdland discord bot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a Python-based discord bot developed by the nerdland fan community.


This bot was setup mostly as an experiment, and there is no clearly defined goal so far. If you have any suggestions feel free to log an issue in this repository, any new ideas or challenges are much appreciated.

Privacy policy.

This bot was developed with privacy as one of our core ideals. Because of this we have formulated a few statements about the inner workings.

The bot will only listen to user commands. We will not parse any user messages, nor track any reactions, unless those made specifically to interact with the bot. We will not track any user data, except for your user ID, as this is required to notify you. We will not store any data about your messages, reactions, or other actions you take on discord.

The logs we keep are strictly for debugging purposes, and will not contain any personal info.

Setting up your development environment

To get this project up and running, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Python 3
  • PIP
  • Poetry
  • Use your favourite ide and git to clone the nerdlandbot to your local machine

Once you have these installed (you can check by running 'python --version', 'pip -V' and 'poetry -V' in a commandline), add the required packages (see requirements.txt). To do this, you have 2 options (choose only 1):

  1. If you're just starting out with python and "virtual environment" doesn't ring a bell, using pip will install the required packages in a way you can use them anywhere. You can run this command in a terminal from any folder you like.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. If you have more experience and work with virtual environments, poetry is more your kind of thing and will make the required packages available for this specific project only. You should run this command in the folder you created when cloning the repository, the one where is located.
poetry install

Creating your own test bot

When trying out things, it's best to create your own bot and use that one to test your code. To create your test version of the nerdlandbot:

  • Go to and log in.
  • Create a new application eg. "bob-testbot"
  • Switch to the 'Bot' configuration (select 'Bot' on the left panel)
  • Create a bot and give it a name "bob-testbot" for example
  • Make sure you set both 'Presence intent' and 'Server members intent' under 'Privileged Gateway Intents'

Get your bot invited to servers

To get your bot invited onto a server, you need to create an invitation URL.

  • Go to your application (see creating your own test bot above)
  • Copy the "client id" from your application (! NOT your bot token !)
  • The URL to invite your bot to a server is:<APPLICATION_CLIENT_ID>&permissions=0&scope=bot

When visiting that page, you'll see a list of servers you have administration rights for. If you have your own server, it will be listed here. If you want to test on the NerdlandBottest server, provide this URL in the #helpdesk channel and kindly ask somebody to accept your bot and create a test channel. Alternatively, you will need to acquire a DISCORD_TOKEN. It is possible to obtain one with a developer account on Discord.

Create your .env file

You need a file to keep your bot token safely. You'll do this by creating a file with name ".env" which must contain following lines:

# .env

Make sure this file is listed in the .gitignore file, so your bot token isn't uploaded to github for everyone to see (and use).

Using Space Twitter functionality

In order for Twitter functionality in the Space module to work, you will need to provide a TWITTER_API_KEY and TWITTER_API_SECRET in your .env file. You can find out how to generate those here. The API key and secret need not have any more rights above reading statusses from accounts. The functionality in this bot is limited to that, it will not tweet, retweet or like tweets. Feel free to contact bobvdvleuten for help.

Using YouTube functionality

For using the YouTube notifications functionality you'll need to set the YOUTUBE TOKEN in your .env file. Follow the instructions here to create an API key.

Using spreadsheet functionality

  • To use the spreadsheet functionality you'll need to go here.
  • Login with your google-account. Click "create project".
  • Give the project a name and click "create". Then click on "enable apis and services".
  • Look for "sheets" and click on "Google Sheets API". Then click on "enable".
  • After that also enable the "Google Drive API".
  • On the right-side, click "create credentials". Select "Google Sheets API". On the next question select "web server".
  • Select "Application data" and "no, I'm not using them". Click "what credentials do I need?".
  • Fill in the fields and for the role select "project -> editor". Select JSON if not yet selected. Click "continue".
  • You'll automatically download the JSON. Rename it to something shorter and don't share it!
  • Put it in the same folder as the .env-file. Go into the JSON to copy the client_email field.
  • Add that email in the google sheet as an editor like you'd add a normal user.
  • In the .env-file add a field SHEETS_JSON and enter the JSON-filename with double quotes around it.
  • Add another field named SPREADSHEET and enter the spreadsheetname in double quotes.

Using moderator functionality

With this functionality, users are able to send a DM to the bot and the bot will post a message in a moderator channel to alert the moderators in a less obvious way than pinging them in a public channel.

To use this you need to add 2 variables to the .env file:

  • DISCORD_SERVER_ID (int): The ID for the server where this feature will be used.
  • MODERATOR_NAME (str): The name of the moderator role in that server.

Running the bot on your local machine

You can now run the bot by running the following command in the root of your nerdlandbot folder:

python -m nerdlandbot

Running this bot with docker

docker run -itd --restart="unless-stopped" --name nerdlandbot \
 -e PREFIX=<Your prefix here> \
 -e DISCORD_TOKEN=<Your discord token here> \
 -v <Your bind mount path for guild configs>:/GuildConfigs \



Nerdland discord bot

License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.5%