nepton / DelayedEvents

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DelayedEvents is a library that provides a simple way to implement delayed message. For example: you can use it to implement when order is not paid in 15 minutes, cancel the order.

Nuget packages

Name Version Downloads
DelayedEvents.Abstractions nuget stats
DelayedEvents.RabbitMq nuget stats


Add following nuget reference in business project:

PM> Install-Package DelayedEvents.Abstractions

And add following nuget reference in main project:

PM> Install-Package DelayedEvents.RabbitMq

Make sure the plugins rabbitmq_delayed_message_exchange are enabled.

How to use

First of all, you need to create a class that derived from the DelayedEvent class.

public class OrderPaymentCheckDelayedEvent : DelayedEvent
    public OrderPaymentCheckDelayedEvent(Guid orderId)
        OrderId = orderId;
        DelayInSec = 15 * 60;   // Make 15 minutes delay   

    public Guid OrderId { get; }

Then, you need to create a class that derived from the DelayedEventHandler class.

public class OrderPaymentCheckDelayedEventHandler : DelayedEventHandler<OrderPaymentCheckDelayedEvent>
    private readonly IOrderService _orderService;

    public OrderPaymentCheckDelayedEventHandler(IOrderService orderService)
        _orderService = orderService;

    public override async Task Handle(OrderPaymentCheckDelayedEvent e)
        // We will cancel the order if it is not paid in 15 minutes
        await _orderService.CancelOrderIfNotPaidAsync(e.OrderId);

Finally, you need to register the DelayedEventHandler in the Startup.cs file.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        .AddRabbitMq(options =>
            options.HostName = "localhost";
            options.UserName = "guest";
            options.Password = "guest";

Ok! Now you can publish the DelayedEvent class in the business project.

public class OrderService : IOrderService
    private readonly IDelayedEventPublisher _delayedEventPublisher;

    public OrderService(IDelayedEventPublisher delayedEventPublisher)
        _delayedEventPublisher = delayedEventPublisher;

    public async Task CreateOrderAsync(Order order)
        // Create order

        // Publish the delayed event
        await _delayedEventPublisher.PublishAsync(new OrderPaymentCheckDelayedEvent(order.Id));


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This project is licensed under the MIT License


License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%