

Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

neph-muw's repositories


The app allows to look up the capital cities in Europe and favourite them. •Main screen with a list of cities. Each item should have: o Small image o City name o Icon showing if it’s favourite or not


One ViewController with: - Two buttons on the bottom of the screen: add element and clear list - Rest of the screen should contain UICollectionView with elements of the list Source of data: - You can find data here: - You should use `photos` endpoint Downloading elements: - By tapping `add element` button we download next element (begin with 1st photo) and add it to the list - You should download thumbnails asynchronously and cache them for later reuse Presenting elements (UICollectionView): - Single element of the list contains: * title * thumbnail downloaded from the API - Between elements on the list there are separators (use decoration views) - When there are no elements to display on the list you should display "No thumbnails" text on the screen Clearing list: - Removes all elements from UICollectionView - Resets data so you will start downloading from first element again Comments to the task: - Structure of the project will be evaluated as well as your knowledge of iOS - You are free to use any dependencies (pods etc) - Additional points for testing some classes of your project.



AppStud Coding Test



App for calculating petrol on the route.



Create a simple (single UIViewController) iOS timer app in Swift. All the funcionalities are presented in the video below: Set the timer for 1-12 seconds (inclusive) with a drag gesture Start the timer Cancel the timer



Cyfrowy Polsat Software Development Verification Task The purpose of this Task is to examine your problem solving skills, programing skills, as well as to reveal your coding style. Task Description In this Task, you will have to create a simple, demonstrative program for Android (or iOS), which: • contains a screen with two buttons: "START" and "STOP", • when the user presses the START button, 3 threads - say T1, T2 and T3 - should be created: o within T1, the GPS location of the device is collected repeatedly every A seconds, and the results (as a string) are handed over to T3, o within T2, the percentage usage of the device's battery is collected repeatedly every B seconds, and the results (as a string) are handed over to T3, o Every time when either the GPS location or the battery usage information is collected in T1 or T2, the results are handed over and stored by T3 in a list. If the number of items in this list exceeds C, T3 collects all string into one data unit and send to the server (URL) via HTTP. The list the then emptied. o A, B, C and URL are parameters. • when the users presses STOP, all threads are just stopped / destroyed. • if the user pressed START while the threads have been created before, the action is just ignored. Additional information The application is only for demonstrational purpose. There is no need to pay too much attention on testing. Please provide us with the source codes.



Cyfrowy Polsat



Estimator - iOS app to help developers giving estimates.



Wymagania biznesowe: Zbudować na platformie iOS przeglądarkę postów serwisu Tumblr przy użyciu dostępnego publicznie API tego serwisu ( W oparciu o podaną nazwę użytkownika tego serwisu aplikacja powinna pobrać i wyświetlić listę opublikowanych przez niego postów oraz umożliwić obejrzenie ich zawartości. Ilość informacji oraz ich sposób prezentacji pozostawiamy decyzji programisty. Wymagania techniczne: Rozwiązanie powinno zostać dostarczone jako kompletny projekt Xcode napisany w Objective-C, bez użycia designera graficznego ekranów (bez Storyboardów albo XIB), w postaci repozytorium git możliwego do sklonowania. Aplikacja powinna uruchamiać się na symulatorze oraz jednym, dowolnie wybranym przez programistę modelu iPhone'a. Aplikacja powinna obsługiwać co najmniej dwa typy postów Tumblra



Neofonie Mobile Coding Challenge iOS Developer As part of the "getting to know each other" process, we'd like you to work on a small project which is hopefully a bit of fun. This is a chance for you to show off your coding skills. Think of the project as something that would be continued with a bigger team. Project Description: Build an iOS application for music lovers. Requirements: • As a user I want to search for an album by its title. • As a user I want to see the search result in a table view. • As a user I want to see a detailed screen for the selected album. • As a user I want to see an artist page for the album’s artist. Constraints: • It should not take more then 3-4 days. • The source code should be available for us easily (e.g. via Bitbucket, DropBox, email, etc... ) • The application must be easy to compile and deploy on a physical device. • You should use the free API to get the data ( • Please avoid 3rd party libraries. • The application should be written in swift. Bonus: • Unit tests • Layout for landscape orientation and tablets • I18N and L10N • Any other idea you come up with



SwingDev iOS Recruitment Assignment The goal of this test assignment is to create a native iOS application which will display the current location of the International Space Station (ISS) on a map. You can obtain the location of the ISS from a public API here: GET { "message": "success", "iss_position": { "latitude": "-7.0584", "longitude": "108.8641" }, "timestamp": 1528813791 } Along with the space station's location we'll also want to know who's currently in space. We can get a list of the astronauts' names using another endpoint from this API: GET { "message": "success", "people": [ { "craft": "ISS", "name": "Oleg Artemyev" }, { "craft": "ISS", "name": "Andrew Feustel" }, { "craft": "ISS", "name": "Richard Arnold" }, { "craft": "ISS", "name": "Sergey Prokopyev" }, { "craft": "ISS", "name": "Alexander Gerst" }, { "craft": "ISS", "name": "Serena Aunon-Chancellor" } ], "number": 6 } For displaying the actual map on the device we would like you to use the Mapbox Android SDK. You can find a tutorial for this SDK here: REQUIREMENTS Once the application is started it should move the map camera to the last known position of the ISS, if possible. Clicking on the map marker representing the ISS should display a map bubble annotation with a list of people currently in space (this list can be a simple string). The last status of the ISS (position and time) should be stored locally on the device (in a database or in User Defaults) and updated every time we get data from the API. Along with the map view, the app should display the time of last API sync somewhere in the UI. The application should query the API for data periodically with some fixed time interval (e.g. 5 seconds) and reflect the new state in the UI. WHAT WE'LL BE LOOKING AT How component lifecycles are handled, The architecture of the app - we want you to keep some separation of concerns and make the code testable (but over-engineering can be bad too), Code readability and maintainability. The assignment should take you about 8 hours of coding. Once you complete the task, please upload it to a hosting platform of your choice (e.g. GitHub, GitLab) and provide us with the link.



teamvoy test task



Requirements Please build an app displaying the 5 day weather forecast for a location of your choice. 1. Do not spend more than 4 hours on your solution (even if you do not complete the entire exercise). 2. Build a native iOS or Android app (your choice). 3. Use the [OpenWeatherMap 5 day weather forecast API]( to retrieve the current 5 day weather forecast. 4. Give some thought to what will make a decent user experience. We would like to see something readable but with no need to go all out on sleek and flashy UI elements. 5. Use any supporting technologies, package managers, build systems, component libraries that you are familiar with and feel are appropriate. 6. Provide a file that: i. Documents how to run / build / test your creation. ii. Documents anything you might implement with more time (features, fixes, technical debt, corrections etc). 7. The solution should be able to run locally with the appropriate simulator. 8. Submit your code on a public git repository of your choice (github / bitbucket etc).



Wymagania funkcjonalne: Przeglądarka postów serwisu Tumblr z wykorzystaniem publicznego API Przeglądarka powinna na podstawie nazwy użytkownika ściągnąć i pokazać na ekranie listę postów z serwisu oraz wyświetlić zawartość posta. Sposób prezentacji i jakie dane mają się prezentować zostawiam do twojej decyzji. Wymagania techniczne: Kod aplikacji powinien być napisany z użyciem xCode w Swift’cie 4. Minimalny iOS to 10.0. Co do UI aplikacja ma nie wykorzystywać storyboardów, zamiast tego należy użyć Xib’ów plus kod, jeżeli jest taka potrzeba. Rozwiązanie ma być dostępne na publicznym repo na GitHub’je. Aplikacja powinna uruchamiać się na symulatorze jak i wybranym modelu iPhone’a.



Uran Ksu test
