neondatabase / psql-describe

psql's \d (describe) family of commands ported to JavaScript

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comneondatabase/psql-describeRepository from Github https://github.comneondatabase/psql-describe


psql's \d (describe) family of commands ported to JavaScript.

  • From Postgres REL_17_0, we take exec_command_d, exec_command_list and exec_command_sf_sv from command.c, and all of describe.c and sql_help.c, from src/bin/psql (note that sql_help.c is generated during compilation of psql: you need to run ./configure in the Postgres repo root followed by make in src/bin/psql).
  • We use plenty of RegExp search-and-replace to turn this C code into valid JS syntax.
  • We implement some C library functions, such as strlen and strchr, and some Postgres support functions, such as printTable and printQuery, in JavaScript.
  • We write tests to catch problems, mostly related to pointer arithmetic, pointer dereferencing, and pointer output parameters. Then we fix them.

This approach means that some of the 13,000+ lines of code in describe.mjs may never actually have been looked at. If you find a bug, please file an issue.

This library is on npm and powers backslash commands in the Neon SQL Editor.


The key export is the describe() function:

  echoHidden = false,
  sversion = null,
  std_strings = true, 
  docsURLTemplate = (id) => `${id}.html`,
): { promise, cancel };
  • cmd (string) is the desired describe command, including the leading backslash, such as \d (don't forget you may need to escape the backslash in a literal string).
  • dbName (string) is the name of the connected database.
  • runQuery is an async function that takes a SQL query (string) and must return unparsed query results in the same format used by node-postgres when specifying rowMode: 'array'.
  • outputFn is a function that receives output for display: this output will be either a string or a table object (see below).
  • echoHidden (boolean) has the same effect as the -E argument to psql: if true, all SQL queries are output to outputFn, in addition to the final results.
  • sversion (number) should be the same value as SHOW server_version_num executed on the server. It is used to determine what features the database supports. If it is not provided, the server is queried for it.
  • std_strings (boolean) indicates the value of standard_conforming_strings in the database.
  • docsURLTemplate (function) specifies how a docs page ID is transformed into a URL, for use with \h.

The function returns an object with two keys: { promise, cancel }:

  • promise is a Promise that resolves when the command completes.
  • cancel() is a function you can call to abort the command.

The outputs of describe(), as passed to the outputFn argument, are a mix of plain strings and JS objects representing tables.

To format these outputs for display, two additional functions are exported:

  • describeDataToString(item)

This function passes though string items unchanged. When an object item is passed in, a formatted plain-text table is returned, identical to those produced by the psql CLI.

  • describeDataToHtml(item)

This function HTML-escapes string items, and formats object items as HTML tables (whose contents are HTML-escaped).


The tests compare this software's output against psql (release 17.0) for the commands in test/tests.txt. Output should be character-for-character identical, except for differences in trailing whitespace.

In case of failure, the tests halt and a psql.txt and local.txt are written, which you can then diff.

To make the tests work on your machine, you'll need to create a test database (see below), and probably update the DB connection strings in the test command in package.json.


Tests should be run against a database named psqldescribe containing the Pagila data set, with a few additions:

curl | psql psqldescribe
curl | psql psqldescribe
psql psqldescribe < test/test-pagila-additions.sql


This package is released under the Postgres license.


psql's \d (describe) family of commands ported to JavaScript



Language:JavaScript 99.7%Language:PLpgSQL 0.3%