neomantra / go-openchargemap

Golang tools for OpenChargeMap

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


go-openchargemap is a Golang interface to the OpenChargeMap API.

The base openchargemap.openapi.yml comes from OpenChargeMaps's Developer Documentation.

You will need an OpenChargeMap API key -- you can get one by Signing Up and then going to My Apps in your Profile. The examples and tools look for OCM_KEY in your environment, so export OCM_KEY=<your-key>


We have the following examples:

Go Library

You can include it in your Go programs with:

go get

See the chargemeup sample program for an example with how to use the API. The bindings are created with oapi-codegen.

chargemeup CLI tool

chargemeup is a command-line tool for querying the OpenChargeMap API. Although you can build it yourself, you can install it with Homebrew:

brew tap neomantra/homebrew-tap
brew install neomantra/homebrew-tap/go-openchargemap

You can run chargemeup to get a list of charging stations near a bounding box (lat1,lon1),(lat2,lon2):

$ chargemeup -b "(40.63010790372053,-74.2775717248681),(40.7356464076158,-74.09370618215354)" | jq length  

$ chargemeup -a "Carroll Gardens, NY" --radius 1 | jq '.[].AddressInfo.AddressLine1'
"383 Court St"
"365 Bond St"
"363 Bond St"
"214 3rd Street"
"353 4th Ave"
"302 2ND St"

$ chargemeup --lat 40.63010790372053 --lon -74.2775717248681 --radius 5 | jq length

The output is the JSON, although there we are using jq to count the number of POIs returned.

$ chargemeup --help
usage:  ./chargemeup <options> [input]

"chargemeup" assists with queries to OpenChargeMap.

Around Newark is:
chargemeup -p "(40.63010790372053,-74.2775717248681),(40.7356464076158,-74.09370618215354)"

chargemup -a "Newark, NJ" -r 10

chargemeup --lat 40.7356464076158 --lon -74.09370618215354 --radius 5

  -a, --address string   address to query (requires --radius)
  -b, --bbox string      bounding box for query, "(lat1,lon1),(lat2,lon2)"
  -h, --help             show help
  -k, --key string       API key for OpenChargeMap, env var OCM_KEY)
      --lat float32      latitude to query (requires --lon and --radius)
      --lon float32      longitude to query (requires --lon and --radius)
  -r, --radius float32   radial distance to query in kilometers (requires --address)
  -s, --server string    API Server for OpenChargeMap, env var OCM_SERVER (default "")
  -v, --verbose          verbose output to stderr


Building is performed with task and our Taskfile.yml:

$ task --list-all
task: Available tasks for this project:
* build:              
* build-deps:         
* clean:              
* default:            
* oapi-codegen:       
* test:               
* tidy:

# needed when the upstream spec changes
$ task oapi-codegen

$ task build
task: [tidy] go mod tidy
task: [build] go build -o chargemeup cmd/chargemeup/main.go

Credits and License

Authored with ❤️ and 🔥 by Evan Wies. Copyright (c) 2024 Neomantra BV.

Many thanks to OpenChargeMap and the community behind it! Thanks to oapi-codegen for the heavy lifting.

Released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.


Golang tools for OpenChargeMap

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%