nemisj / vopak-assessments

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Task Build Status

Create a RESTful API (built with node.js with MongoDB Atlas as DB). Please provide with the following URLs, PrintScreen and source code:


  • /currenttempincovilha You will need to provide the current temperature in Covilha, Portugal and the respective timestamp of the reading (not from the browser, but from the server).

  • /avgtempinsfax Temperature Average in Sfax, Tunisia in June


MongoDB Collection and respective documents.


You are the one if you are able to do it using AWS Services like AWS Lambda + API Gateway + Cloud Formation and with a testing pipeline. Gitlab or Github repo with the Nodejs code and cloud formation code (if you use AWS Services)


The core of the application is built using Express.js and Mongoose.js as ODM. MongoDb collections can be found inside src/models folder. An entry point to the application is in src/server.js. It can be run locally using yarn dev

To deploy and run this application as AWS lambdas, Serverless Framework is used. Functions and API endpoints are specified inside serverless.yml. The entry point is handler.js

MongoDB documents are imported from fixtures into AtlasDB cluster.

CI/CD is implemented inside TravisCI. First tests are run, and then this app is deployed using a serverless command-line tool ( also through TravisCI ).

My Notes

Export DB

mongoexport --db test --collection locations --out /data/db/locations.json
mongoexport --db test --collection current_temperatures --out /data/db/current_temperatures.json
mongoexport --db test --collection historical_temperature_days --out /data/db/historical_temperature_days.json

Import DB

mongoimport --uri=${MONGO_URL} -c locations --file /data/db/locations.json
mongoimport --uri=${MONGO_URL} -c current_temperatures --file /data/db/current_temperatures.json
mongoimport --uri=\${MONGO_URL} -c historical_temperature_days --file /data/db/historical_temperature_days.json



Language:JavaScript 100.0%