nelsieborja / realtime-exercises

Exercises for the Complete Intro to Realtime as taught for Frontend Masters

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nodemon: restart dev server on file update

Websocket downsides

  • servers have to hold on to some state; talking to different clients is difficult to unify the comm. EG: 3 servers, 10 clients, 1 client writes to 1 server, inform other servers, broadcast to their clients - sync data across various diff sharded servers (Redis tool)

long polling

Make whole lot of request; make a request and see if something's new; keeps making requests over and over again

pkgs morgan logging framework sse request coming in nanobuffer limited array

type: module - set it if working in NodeJS

client asking for the server for data

pausing on unfocus

Why pausing is needed with polling: server resources CPU cycles memory data

Solution: requestAnimationFrame won't interrupt the browser vs setTimeout will pause everything else pause when user unfocuses the window

backoff and retry

"exponential" backoff strategy - make request increase delay if necessary

retry button to manually request - product question

General product advise: if fails, immediately try again, then wait a short time and try again; if not succeed after 3 then backoff progressively. - avoid overloading the server

http/2 push (came out in 2015)

before: 1-to-1 relationship aka "old style" http1 after: 1-to-many response back realtime in 1 direction (from server to the client)

  • better compression
  • request prioritization
  • long running request for sending chunked requests

http/3 (QUIC) - accuracy for speed & much more fault tolerant

Create cert

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -keyout key.pem -out csr.pem
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in csr.pem -signkey key.pem -out server.crt

http2: direct standard library from Node serve-handler: serving static assets created by vercel

No way to stream json, doesnt steam very well. YAML as alternative

res.body.getReader: incomplete body and keep streaming open

http/2 not particularly made with this "pushing" use cases


realtime communication in both directions connects over TCP IP, HTTP makes the connection to server to some endpoint response is encoded (frame in binary format) in a certain way that WS understand


  • does so much better
  • edge cases are covered

  • "messaging busing system"
  • for bigger projects
  • establishes connection
  • direct connection to MongoDB
  • auto-reconnect lost connection
  • "transport=polling" fallback if browser doesnt support WebSocket

WebRTC: peer-to-peer communication rather than client-server SignalR: .NET

auto-checks slow client, then move processing to the server, then send the result to the client


Exercises for the Complete Intro to Realtime as taught for Frontend Masters


Language:JavaScript 66.1%Language:HTML 30.3%Language:CSS 3.7%