neilscallywag / react-serverless-aws-terraform

Serverless full-stack React app on AWS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AWS Serverless React App

A reference project to deploy a serverless, full-stack React app onto AWS with Terraform. Inspired by this YouTube tutorial by Code Engine

A to-do list app which allows users to create, and read to-do's from DynamoDB

App URL here:

AWS Architecture


  • Make sure you have installed Terraform, AWS CLI, and configured a default AWS CLI profile (see doc here)
terraform -help # prints Terraform options
which aws # prints /usr/local/bin/aws
aws --version # prints aws-cli/2.0.36 Python/3.7.4 Darwin/18.7.0 botocore/2.0.0
aws configure # configure your AWS CLI profile


  • Create a Github project, and generate a personal access token (see doc here)

  • Create an S3 bucket to store Terraform state. Populate bucket name in

  • Populate terraform.tfvars:

default_region      = "<YOUR_AWS_DEFAULT_REGION>"
github_username     = "<YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME>"
github_project_name = "<YOUR_GITHUB_PROJECT_NAME>"
app_name            = "<GIVE_YOUR_APP_A_NAME!>"
environment         = "<ENVIRONMENT_NAME>"


cd deploy # change to deploy directory
terraform init # initialises Terraform
terraform apply # deploys AWS stack. See output for app url
terraform destroy # destroys AWS stack
  • When prompted for github_token, provide the value and hit Return. Alternatively, create a local environment variable named TF_VAR_github_token

Run app locally

  • Run terraform output to print AWS resources URL/IDs
  • Update src/conf/config.js with the associated AWS resources URL/IDs
npm install # installs Node dependencies
yarn start # visit app at http://localhost:3000/

Hosting website securely on AWS with a valid SSL certificate

  • Purchase a domain name on Amazon Route 53
  • Create an email address for your Route 53 custom domain. Set-up rule to forward emails to admin@<your_custom_domain> to your personal email address. See tutorial here
  • Add an MX record for your domain. See documentation here
  • Approve email validation requests from AWS Certificate Manager
  • Add two DNS A records to point <your_custom_domain>, and www.<your_custom_domain> to the associated CloudFront distirubtions. See reference documentation here
  • Invalidate CloudFront cache on content updates. See tutorial here


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

If you find this project helpful, please give a ⭐ or even better buy me a coffee ☕ 👇 because I'm a caffeine addict 😅

Buy Me A Coffee




Serverless full-stack React app on AWS


Language:JavaScript 50.3%Language:HCL 46.2%Language:HTML 2.3%Language:CSS 1.2%