neezer / peon

Bash task runner

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comneezer/peonRepository from Github https://github.comneezer/peon



peon is a bash script runner. It is inspired by the likes of rake and thor, but is written in pure bash. The point of peon is to be fast and simple. peon's feature set is intentionally very limited.



You can install via Homebrew:

brew tap neezer/formulae
brew install peon


Just download the latest release and extract to a folder in your run path.

You will need to have gawk installed. And also tinge.


peon works out of the directory you call it from. In the current working directory, peon expects there to be a .peon configuration file.

At minimum, you must tell peon where to find your bash scripts, via the TASKS_IN variable:


After that, you should be able to run

$ peon --comands

... and see a list of available commands.

Make your scripts visible to peon

In order for peon to find, parse, and call scripts, you'll need to add some metatdata to your script files. This can be located anywhere inside the script itself, though it's nice to stick 'em a the top close to the shebang.

# peon:label => cowsay
# peon:desc  => Prints a cow to stdout with a speech bubble containing your text

The value for peon:label will be how you invoke this script with peon, eg.

$ peon cowsay

The value for peon:desc will show up next to your command in the output from the commands flag, eg.

$ peon --commands

Available commands are:

  cowsay        Prints a cow to stdout with a speech bubble containing your text

NOTE: Any script that does not contain this metadata will be invisible to peon!


You can further configure peon by adding some additional variables to your local .peon file:

# will automatically source a local .env file,
# if one exists, before each command


Check out peon's issues!


Bash task runner


Language:Shell 100.0%