neekey / react-url-aware-search-list

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React Use Case: URL-Aware Search List

This project is to showcase a common use case in React web application that a List page with search and pagination while their state needs to be synced with the page URL query.


  • Users can use the Search component to type in a keyword and hit enter or click "search" to trigger a list search.
  • The list result should be rendered together with pagination, which allows users to navigate between different pages.
  • when users trigger a new keyword search, the page needs to be rest to 0
  • the search keyword and page number all need to be synced to the page URL. When users reload the page, the keyword and the selected page should remain (the search input needs to be prefilled and specified page link is selected).
  • when a URL changed by other components that are not the pagination and search input, the pagination and search should reflect the change from the URL.


If we look at this use case from a high level, the whole page should be treated as a "controlled component".

The URL query string is the source of the truth:

  • when page first load, the URL's query represent the initial state
  • anytime a keyword or page number changes, the change will be made to the URL, the URL change will then be detected and become a props change by the react-router.

so the data flow will be:

user interactions -> page URL query changes -> route props changes -> UI updates accordingly.

Keyword Search

Keyword Search is the trickiest part. Even though the higher scale sounds like a "fulling controlled component" model, the Keyword Search component's behavior lies somewhere in the middle:

    1. It needs to respond to the change of the URL Query:
    • 1.1) when the page first load
    • 1.2) when the page URL Query is changed by other components
    1. It needs to manage its keyword value and only trigger the "change" event when users want to search.

To implement 1) we have the Controlled Component, for example:

handleKeywordChange = (keyword) => {
  const { history } = this.props;
  const keyword =;

render() {
  const { location: { query } } = this.props;
  return (
    <input type="text" value={query.keyword} onChange={this.handleKeywordChange}>

The code above will serve the requirement 1) very well. The keyword in the search input will always be synced to the page URL query.

Yet it is not good user experience. When users type to search, it is usually a better idea to trigger a new search when users are ready for making change by click the "search" button or hit enter. Users should be able to freely type into text and the input value should update while users typing.

That means the input element needs to be uncontrolled, at least not fully controlled, which is what the 2) requires.

To wrap up this extral logic and store the temporary user input before being triggered for a search, we can create a new separate component to replace the simple <input />:

handleKeywordChange = (keyword) => {
  const { history } = this.props;

render() {
  const { location: { query } } = this.props;
  return (
    <Search onSearch={handleKeywordChange} defaultValue={query.keyword} />

This version should work quite well now.

Users type in words hits "search", the page URL shall be updated. If users then refresh the page, the keyword that they typed in before shall be prepopulated from the URL.

Except it does not meet the requirement of 1.2).

Imagine if there is a "people also searchs" section in the page, providing quick hot keywords, so that users can simply click them to search, the code might look like this:

handleKeywordChange = (keyword) => {
  const { history } = this.props;

render() {
  const { location: { query } } = this.props;
  return (
      <Search onSearch={this.handleKeywordChange} defaultValue={query.keyword} />
      <HotKeywords onSelect={this.handleKeywordChange} />

As we know, [defaultValue]( works as the initial value when the component first rendered, and the value will be ignored afterward. That means after the page loads, later on when users click the keywords on <HotKeywords />, which triggers the query.keyword changes in this.props through the page URL query change, the new query.keyword will not be reflected on the <Search /> component.

What can we do?

"Key" is the key.

Our issue above is mainly about the defaultValue that does not work after the component's initial rendering. Is there anyway we can force the component to remount itself?

The answer here is the key attribute.

key is mostly used in the use case of rendering a list by assigning each item a unique key as "id" which helps React identify which items have changed, are added, or are removed. So in our case if we assign a different key to our <Search /> component, React will think that the component with the old key needs to be removed and a new component with a new key needs to be added, which, in another word is called remount.

Which key should we use?

The query.keyword that we want to assign to defaultValue.

<Search onSearch={handleKeywordChange} defaultValue={query.keyword} key={query.keyword} />

Loading List

Same as the componets, when loading data, the parameters should always get from the page URL query straight away:

loadList = async () => {
  const { location: { query } } = this.props;
    loading: true,
  // assume `services` is a module for the data layer. 
  const result = services.loadList({
    keyword: query.keyword,
    loading: false,

this will make sure the list result always align with the page URL.

In addition, we also need to be clear when to load the list:

  • when the page first loads
  • when the page URL query changes

So we will use the loadList like below:

componentDidMount() {

componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
  const { location: { query } } = this.props;
  const { location: { query as oldQuery } } = prevProps;
  if (query.keyword !== oldQuery.keyword || !== {


Pagination will be just a simple fully controlled component:

handlePageChange = (page) => {
  const { location: { query } } = this.props;
  const { history } = this.props;
const { location: { query } } = this.props;
const { total } = this.state;
<Pagination total={total} pageSize={20} page={} onPageChange={this.handlePageChange} />


class URLAwareSearchList extends React.Component {
  state = {
    data: [],
    total: 0,
    loading: true,
  componentDidMount() {

  componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
    const { location: { query } } = this.props;
    const { location: { query as oldQuery } } = prevProps;
    if (query.keyword !== oldQuery.keyword || !== {
  handlePageChange = (page) => {
    const { location: { query } } = this.props;
    const { history } = this.props;
  handleKeywordChange = (keyword) => {
    const { history } = this.props;
  render() {
    const { location: { query } } = this.props;
    const { loading, data, total } = this.state;
    return (
        <Search onSearch={this.handleKeywordChange} key={query.keyword} defaultValue={query.keyword} />
        <HotKeywords onSelect={this.handleKeywordChange} />
        <DataList data={data} loading={loading} />
        <Pagination total={total} pageSize={20} page={} onPageChange={this.handlePageChange} /> 


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