nedimf / vmob

Vmob is CLI tool that cross compiles V written module for use in iOS/Android targets trough C layer

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Vmob is CLI tool that cross compiles V written module for use in iOS/Android architectures through C layer. Android is still not supported, please refer to support-android


Vmob is used to cross-compile originally written V modules(lib) into iOS-compatible .a files. Static library can be compiled with enabled-bitcode, unlike Rust. For full explonation how vmob works read this document.

Please note that vmob is in a really early stage of development.

How does it work?

Vmob is a pretty simple CLI app that works by translating the V module to raw C code. C file is then cross-compiled with gcc to supported architectures.

Supported architectures:

  • iOS
    • iPhone arm64
    • iOS Simulator (x86_64)
  • Android
    • Android aarch64-linux-android
    • Android armv7-linux-androideabi
    • Android i686-linux-android
    • Android x86_64-linux-android

Android is not supported yet, we are working to support it see support-android to contribute



  • OS: MacOS (because it relies on lipo and otool checks)
  • Tools: Installed Xcode

Download binary

The easiest way is to just download binary

Build vmob

You can build vmob from source using V.

  • git clone
  • v vmob.v
  • Run: ./vmob

How to use vmob?

Step by step guide


  1. Write your V module

Be sure to use [export: ] followed by module name

module vex
import math 

[export: vex_absolute_value]
pub fn vex_absolute_value(a f64) f64{
	return math.abs(a)

fn init(){
	println("Vex module has been called")
  1. Build static library (.a file) targeting iPhone (arm64) ./vmob apple-ios-iphone -s false path/to/module
  2. Build static library (.a file) targeting iOS Simulator (x86_64) ./vmob apple-ios-simulator -s false path/to/module
  3. Combine two targets into universal target ./vmob combine -o modulename-ios path/to/module-arm64.a path/to/module-x86_64.a
  4. Generate header file that you will use as bridge between your library and Xcode ./vmob header-gen -a arm64 -mp vex path/to/module


  1. Open Xcode
  2. Create new folder called your-ios-module-name
  3. Drag and drop your universal modulename-ios.a and .h file
  4. New File -> C -> Enable Bridging Header
    • add line #include "modulename_header.h file
  5. Call method from your Swift code
     override func viewDidLoad() {
        println(vex_absolute_value(-1)) // 1

Have in mind this all this be automated in Xcode build script


Not yet supported

Fast version:
  • locate v written module

Build static library (.a) for arm64

  • ./vmob apple-ios-iphone -s false lib/module/module

Build static library (.a) for x86_64 simulator

  • ./vmob apple-ios-iphone -s false lib/module/module

Combine two different architectures arm64 & x86_64

  • ./vmob combine -o module-ios lib/module/module-arm64.a lib/module/module-x86-64.a

Implementation with Xcode

Xcode part:

Insert .a file into your Xcode project, and don't forget to add a bridging header. Vmob can generate it for you.

./vmob header-gen -a arm64 lib/module/module import made module into your Xcode project, configure bridge header file and call V module from your iOS app

For a full tutorial on how to use vmob look at this sample project or click down on drop down menu.


Usage: vmob [flags] [commands]
Vmob is CLI tool that cross-compiles V module for use in iOS/Android architectures through C layer.

  -help                Prints help information.
  -version             Prints version information.

  apple-ios-iphone     Build V module into arm64 static librvary
  apple-ios-simulator  Build V module into x86_64 static library
  combine              Combine two architectures into one by making it universal
  header-gen           Generate header.h to be inserted in Xcode project
  help                 Prints help information.
  version              Prints version information.


  • @nedimf If you would like to support my work:

Buy Me A Coffee


Vmob is CLI tool that cross compiles V written module for use in iOS/Android targets trough C layer


Language:V 100.0%