nearwood / react-image-cropper

react image crop

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React Image Cropper

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A React.JS Image Cropper Touch supported

See the demo


  • initial cropper frame position
  • frame width, height, rate
  • crop event

How to Use

  • import {Cropper} from 'react-image-cropper'

  • styles are all inline

  • define Cropper with src, and ref to execute crop method

<Cropper src="" ref="cropper"/>
  • crop and get image url

image.src = this.refs.cropper.crop()

  • get crop values

var values = this.refs.cropper.values()

  • custom use
prop value
rate width / height
disabled boolean
width cropper frame width
height cropper frame height
originX cropper original position(x axis)
originY cropper original position(Y axis)
selectionNaural cropper frame sizes and position are relative to the image's natural size (bool default false)
fixedRatio turn on/off fixed ratio (bool default true)
allowNewSelection allow user to create a new selection instead of reusing initial selection (bool default true)
styles specify styles to override inline styles
imageLoaded specify fuction callback to run when the image completed loading
beforeImageLoaded specify function callback to run when the image size value is ready but the image has not completed loading
imageLoadError specify function callback to run when the image errors during loading
onDragStop specify function callback to run when dragging the crop has ended

See the demo


react image crop

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 99.4%Language:HTML 0.6%