near / near-indexer-for-wallet

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DEPRECATED. This indexer is deprecated and no longer will be supported. Please refer to NEAR Indexer for Explorer

NEAR Indexer for Wallet

NEAR Indexer for Wallet is built on top of NEAR Indexer microframework to watch the network and store all the AccessKeys events in the PostgreSQL database. It relies on receipts and ExecutionOutcomes to expose the action (ADD or DELETE) and the status of this action (SUCCESS or FAILED)

AccessKeys database structure

See the migration to learn about the structure.

To query the public_key for specific account_id to define if the key is present do:

SELECT "action"
FROM access_keys
WHERE public_key = :public_key AND account_id = :account_id AND status = 'SUCCESS'
ORDER BY block_height DESC

So if the last "action" is ADD then the public_key exists. If the "action" is DELETE than it doesn't exist anymore.

Getting started

Before you proceed, make sure you have the following software installed:

  • rustup or Rust version that is mentioned in rust-toolchain file in the root of nearcore project.

Install libpq-dev dependency

$ sudo apt install libpq-dev

Clone this repository and open the project folder

$ git clone
$ cd near-indexer-for-wallet

You need to provide database credentials in .env file like below (replace user, password, host and db_name with yours):

$ echo "DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:password@host/db_name" > .env

Then you need to apply migrations to create necessary database structure, for this you'll need diesel-cli, you can install it like so:

$ cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features "postgres"

And apply migrations

$ diesel migration run

To connect NEAR Indexer for Wallet to the specific chain you need to have necessary configs, you can generate it as follows:

$ cargo run --release -- --home-dir ~/.near/testnet init --chain-id testnet --download

Replace testnet in the command above to choose different chain: betanet or mainnet. This will generate keys and configs and download official genesis config.

Configs for the specified network are in the --home-dir provided folder. We need to ensure that NEAR Indexer for Wallet follows all the necessary shards, so "tracked_shards" parameters in ~/.near/testnet/config.json needs to be configured properly. For example, with a single shared network, you just add the shard #0 to the list:

"tracked_shards": [0],

To run NEAR Indexer for Wallet:

$ cargo run --release -- --home-dir ~/.near/testnet run

After the network is synced, you should see logs of every block height currently received by NEAR Indexer for Wallet.

Dump Existing AccessKeys

NB! This is a workaround to get the proper up to date data. This may change once nearcore allow to simplify this process.

In order to collect the AccessKeys from current state into database (e.g. at the first start of the NEAR Indexer for Wallet node) you need to wait until the node has synced the data and then stop it. Run the dump-state command and then start the node again.

$ cargo run --release -- --home-dir ~/.near/testnet dump-state

It shouldn't take long, you'll see the message "Dumped state public access keys in database successfully replaced." after that start the indexer again

$ cargo run --release -- --home-dir ~/.near/testnet run


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Rust 96.0%Language:PLpgSQL 4.0%