ndsh / sketches

living archive of past fleeting and volatile thoughts in the realms of creative coding

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Information Donate
a wild (re)collection of past fleeting and volatile thoughts in the realms of creative coding BuyMeACoffee



├── Sketches
│   ├── 01 Classes
│   │   ├── Importer (still needs to be fixed so it can run as shown in jianping)
│   │   ├── Exporter (still needs to be fixed so it can run as shown in jianping)
│   │   ├── Dither / moved to http://github.com/ndsh/dither
│   │   ├── Base64
│   ├── 02 Generators
│   ├── 03 Grids
│   ├── 04 Physical Computing
│   ├── 05 OSC
│   ├── 06 Variable Fonts
│   ├── 07 Agents
│   ├── 08 Slit Scanners 
│   ├── 70 codevember

update: merging bunch of my very single-purpose and wildly unpopular git-repos into this one to give them a new meaning


living archive of past fleeting and volatile thoughts in the realms of creative coding


Language:Processing 77.3%Language:GLSL 7.0%Language:C 6.1%Language:C++ 5.7%Language:Python 2.3%Language:Makefile 1.5%Language:JavaScript 0.1%Language:HTML 0.0%