nderjung / unikraft-lib-mbedtls

Unikraft port of the Mbed TLS library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

libmbedtls for Unikraft

This is a port of mbed TLS to Unikraft. The port has a number of dependencies. To meet them, ensure that you have the following libs added to your LIBS variable in your app's Makefile:

  • CXX standard library, e.g. libunwind, compiler-rt, libcxxabi, libcxx
  • lwip
  • libc, e.g. newlib

Also make sure that mbed TLS comes after compiler-rt .

Please refer to the README.md as well as the documentation in the doc/ subdirectory of the main unikraft repository for further information.


Unikraft port of the Mbed TLS library
