ndabas / presto-ami

Packer project to build Presto AMIs

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Presto AMI Builder

This repository is a Packer project that builds AWS AMIs for a Presto Worker and Coordinator nodes.

Presto runs on port 8080 on the coordinators and the workers.

The coordinator image also runs a Hive server on port 10000. Note that that the worker nodes do not run Hive; as such, the Hive cluster is not suitable for running actual data queries. Hive is intended only to be used for DDL transactions, with Presto handling actual queries.

This configuration is also intended only for use with S3 or some other external storage; it does not define any distributed storage on the cluster itself.

Note: These AMIs could be used standalone, but are intended to be used with Schematic Energy's Scio project, a Pulumi-based AWS install script.

Building the AMIs

Export the following environment variables:

  • PRESTO_AMI_ORG - The organization name, used to name the AMIs (e.g, "schematic-energy")
  • PRESTO_AMI_OWNER - The AWS account ID of the AMI owner
  • PRESTO_AMI_ACCOUNTS - Comma-separated list of AWS account IDs that will have access to the AMIs.
  • PRESTO_AMI_REGIONS - Regions in which the AMI will be made available.
  • PRESTO_AMI_VPC - The AWS VPC id for Packer to use to build the AMI.
  • PRESTO_AMI_SUBNET - The AWS Subnet id for Packer to use to build the AMI.

Your environment must also be configured with AWS credentials with permissions in the specified accounts, VPC and subnet.

Then, run ./build.sh and wait for the installation to complete. Build status and the names and AMI ids of the completed images will be printed to stdout.

Running Presto

(Note: if you are using the Scio installation scripts, you can skip this section: all these details are implemented in that project's Pulumi code)

The built in Hive server expects a Postgres RDS instance to use as it's Metastore database, with a database name of hive and a username of hive. The hostname of the Metastore db is expected to be available as an SSM String parameter named /scio/<environment>/hive-metastore/host, and the to the hive user as an SSM SecureString at /scio/<environment>/hive-metastore/password.

The database may be empty: each time the Coordinator node is started, it will check that the required schema is available and add it if it hasn't been already.

The environment name is an arbitrary string that allows multiple instances of the cluster to be run in the same AWS account.

After ensuring that you have a Hive Metastore as described above, to run a Presto cluster,launch EC2 instances using the generated AMI and run the /home/ec2-user/run.sh script after launch (EC2 User Data scripts are a good way to do this.) The run.sh script takes two arguments: the environment name and an S3 path indicating the location of the Presto cluster's configuration (see next section).

Configuring Presto

Presto configuration is stored in S3, with separate configurations paths for the worker and coordinator nodes. Every time a node is started with the run.sh script, it downloads all the files with the given S3 prefix and adds them to $PRESTO_HOME/etc.

As described in the Presto documentation, a typical installation will need to define at least the following files in S3:


Note: for worker nodes, the config.properties file contains the discovery.uri property used to locate the coordinator node. As such, you will either need to use DNS to map a stable name to the coordinator instance, or update the config file with the correct coordinator IP.

To make configuration changes, simply upload the new configuration files to S3. The changes will not take effect until Presto is restarted. To restart Presto, you can either restart the entire EC2 instances, or use a HTTP service provided on each instance at http://<host>:80/cgi-bin/update-config.sh. Executing this script will download the new config from S3, and restart the Presto process so it takes effect.

Important: Security

The setup for this project assumes that the entire cluster is running on a trusted private subnet or security group. Exposing any of the nodes directly to incoming traffic internet is extremely not reccomended. The default configuration of this project assumes that anyone with network access to the nodes is able to connect to Presto, run queries, and restart nodes.

To set up something more restrictive, you will need to:

  • Configure Presto's authentication mechanisms
  • Use VPNs, NLBs or firewall whitelists to restrict network access

This project may provide some utilities for this, in the future.


Packer project to build Presto AMIs

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Shell 100.0%