//////////////////////////// OVERVIEW /////////////////////////////////////
This project was adapted from an exam question for EECS 370 at uMich. The question created an Instruction Set Architecture called ISA-doge. This architecture has four registers, and runs on a 16 bit machine. I have written an assembler and simulator for this ISA.
assemble - takes in a file written in ISA-doge and converts it to machine code
simulate - takes the machine code and simulates it while showing the registers and memory at each step
////////////////////////// Directions ////////////////////////////////////
- write your code in ISA doge into a file. Let's call it test.doge
- run ./assemble test.doge test.mc to convert your doge to machine code
- run ./simulate test.mc to simulate your code
- error checking is imperfect, so make sure your code is valid
- to simulate memory, use .fill at the TOP of your program
- link to the memory with immediates that you calculate youself
//////////////////////// ISA-doge //////////////////////////////////
Opcodes: wow, such, add, sub, so, very, much, lvl
type 1 (wow, lvl):
- bits 15 - 13: opcode
- bits 12 - 0: unused, all zero
type 2 (so, very, such):
- bits 15 - 13: opcode
- bit 12: unused, zero
- bits 11 - 0: immediate value
type 3 (much):
- bits 15 - 13: opcode
- bits 12 - 3: unused, all zero
- bits 2 - 0: register
type 4 (add, sub):
- bits 15 - 13: opcode
- bit 12: 1 is arg is an immediate, 0 if arg is a register
- bits 11 - 0: either immediate value or register
wow, 000:
- used as label for the jumps that such makes
lvl, 111:
- halts program
such , 001:
- compares value in accumulator with value immediate in memory, jumps to wow accordingly
- wow // such jumps here if ACC < MEM[5]
- ...
- such #5
- lvl // runs here if ACC == MEM[5]
- ...
- wow // sucj jumos here if ACC > MEM[5]
so , 100:
- loads value of immediate location into accumulator
- Ex, so #5 // ACC = MEM[5]
very , 101:
- saves value of accumulator to immediate location
- Ex, very #5 // MEM[5] = ACC
much , 110:
- swaps value in acculmulator with value in register
add , 010:
- adds immediate or register to accumulator
sub , 011:
- subtracts immediate or register from accumulator