ncolomer / energy-monitor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


energy-monitor module installed energy-monitor module connections of energy-monitor module

“You can't improve what you don't measure”

This project is a DIY module + a Rust application that aims at measuring grid consumption metrics, display collected values on an OLED display, and send them to an external InfluxDB database for storage.

The module was designed to fit any European-standard distribution boards (same form factor as a circuit breaker) and has 90mm (5-module) width. It does not collect data directly but rather fetches metrics from Lechacal's RPICT module and Enedis Linky electric meter (France national power provider).

I built this project to observe and store my own energy consumption, to eventually improve it. And, well... also because it looked a cool DIY project (it actually was!).

⚠️ My electrical installation has three-phase power supply. Even though the project could run on one-phase power supply, it might also need some adaptation. Any contribution welcome!

GitHub release

Table of contents


This project includes a Rust application that handles everything, from I/O to display.


The user interface is composed of several pages that can be cycled using the push button (like a carousel).

Startup screen

startup screen

This screen displays the project logo, connection statuses and the current application version. It is shown at application startup and also belongs to the page carousel (last position).

Connection statuses are:

  • RPICT RPICT status, white square means connected.
  • Linky Linky status, white square means connected.
  • InfluxDB InfluxDB status, white square means connected.

Instantaneous metrics screen (RPICT)

rpict screen

This screen displays instantaneous metrics measured from the RPICT:

  • lines apparent power value with a gauge that shows the max seen value since boot
  • sum of consumed lines power
  • mean of lines RMS voltage

It is the first displayed screen when waking up from sleep.

Cumulated metrics screens (Linky)

linky screen

This screen displays instantaneous metrics collected from the Linky:

  • Linky's counter unique id
  • "heures creuses" and "heures pleines" indices, used for billing


To run the energy-monitor application on a Raspberry Pi Zero W:

  • install a fresh Raspberry Pi OS on a SD card
  • insert the SD card and open a terminal (desktop or ssh)
  • configure the system to enable SPI and UART via the raspi-config helper
  • ensure user pi belongs to group spi, gpio and dialout using command usermod -aG spi,gpio,dialout pi
  • download energy-monitor binary from the Github Release section
  • run the application with the energy-monitor binary. You can override configuration using YAML config file or environment variables. See Configuration section below for a full list of overridable settings.
$ energy-monitor -h
A tool to measure, display and store electrical consumption metrics.

Usage: energy-monitor [OPTIONS]

  -c, --config <FILE>  Sets a custom YAML config file
  -h, --help           Print help
  -V, --version        Print version

For advanced users:

  • use a systemd service to launch the application at system startup


You can configure the application either by providing a YAML config file (see -c --config <FILE> binary arg) or using environment variables:

YAML path Environment variable Description Default
log_level APP__LOG_LEVEL Application log level INFO
hmi.sleep_timeout_secs APP__HMI__SLEEP_TIMEOUT_SECS Duration in seconds before shutting down display 30
hmi.max_line_power_watts APP__HMI__MAX_LINE_POWER_WATTS Max expected line power in watts 6900
hmi.button_debounce_ms APP__HMI__BUTTON_DEBOUNCE_MS Push button debounce duration in milliseconds 100
hmi.button_bcm_pin APP__HMI__BUTTON_BCM_PIN Push button BCM pin number 27
serial.rpict APP__SERIAL__RPICT Serial port for RPICT /dev/ttyAMA0
serial.linky APP__SERIAL__LINKY Serial port for uTeleinfo (Linky) /dev/ttyUSB0 APP__INFLUXDB__HOST InfluxDB host localhost
influxdb.port APP__INFLUXDB__PORT InfluxDB port 8086
influxdb.database APP__INFLUXDB__DATABASE InfluxDB database metrology
influxdb.prefix APP__INFLUXDB__PREFIX Application's measures prefix energy


The module is composed of several parts listed in the Parts section. Electronics parts (push button, OLED display and RPICT) are wired to the Raspberry Pi, see Wiring section. RPICT is tied to the Raspberry Pi module via 29.7mm Brass Standoffs, they are both tied to enclosure's part 1 via clips. The OLED display is tied to enclosure's part 3 the same way.


The following table presents the partlist needed to build a full module:

Part Quantity Price Links
Raspberry Pi Zero WH 1 14.60€ buy
5V 3A Micro USB Power Supply 1 2.30€ buy
Sandisk Micro SD card 16GB Class 10 1 9.90€ buy
Waveshare 2.23" OLED Display 128×32 Pixels SPI/I2C 1 23.00€ buy / doc
LeChacal RPIZ CT3V1 1 18.30€ buy / doc
LeChacal EU AC/AC Adaptor 1 15.00€ buy
3pcs SCT-013-000 Current Transformer 1 11.30€ buy
3pcs 6x6x4.3MM 4PIN G89 Push Button 1 0.70€ buy
200pcs M2.5 Brass Standoffs 1 9.90€ buy
(optional) Charles Micro Teleinfo V2.0 1 22.90€ buy / doc
(optional) 3pcs Micro USB to USB 2.0 adapter 1 5.00€ buy

Total price is roughly 130€, not counting shipping.


The following tables uses the following Raspberry Pi pinout as reference:

raspberry pi pinout reference

In order to achieve wiring between parts, you may need the following tools/parts:

Part Price Link
22AWG Electrical Wire box 11.80€ buy
620pcs Dupont Connector kit 1 4.00€ buy
310pcs Dupont Connector kit 1 4.00€ buy
SN-28B Pin Crimping Tool 4.00€ buy


RPICT Raspberry Pi Physical
1 3.3 1
6 GND 6
8 GPIO14 (UART0_TXD) 8
10 GPIO15 (UART0_RXD) 10

OLED display

OLED Raspberry Pi Physical BCM
VCC 3.3 17 -
GND GND 20 -
DIN MOSI 19 10
CLK SCLK 23 11
CS CE0 24 8
D/C GPIO5 18 24
RES GPIO6 22 25

Push button

Push Button Raspberry Pi Physical BCM
1 GPIO27 13 27
4 GND 14 -


print plate module cad front module cad back

The enclosure contains 3 clippable parts so that it is easier and faster to print on a 3D printer. Assembly only needs a bit of epoxy to hold the push button in place. Don't forget to place the 3D-printed button before glueing the push button! The enclosure was designed using Autodesk Fusion 360.

You can find emonitor-part*.stl STL files in the project's enclosure directory.

I printed mine in 6 hours, using PrusaSlicer as slicer, and with the following parameters:

  • 0.20mm SPEED profile
  • 20% infill
  • support on build plate only
  • white 1.75mm PLA filament


  • don't forget to print the button in your favorite color, see button.stl STL file
  • I also designed an enclosure for utinfo, see uteleinfo-part*.stl STL files

Photo gallery

linky's teleinfo connector utinfo gateway push button cable module components module inside once mounted


License:The Unlicense


Language:Rust 100.0%