nckjxy / js-cool

采用rollup + typescript开发的js常用方法库

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# use pnpm
pnpm install js-cool

## use npm
npm install --save js-cool


ES6 module

import { osVersion } from 'js-cool'


Node.js require

const { osVersion } = require('js-cool')


Using unpkg CDN

<script src=""></script>

API Reference

Global Parameters


the client method returns a browser result object

  • Since: 5.2.0

  • Arguments: none

  • Returns: object

  • Example:

import { client } from 'js-cool'

client.get(['device', 'browser', 'engine', 'os']) // { device: 'xxx', browser: 'xxx', os: 'xxx', engine: 'xxx' }
client.get('device') // { device: 'xxx' }
  • Types:
declare class Client {
  matchMap: Record<InfoKeys, boolean>
  root: Window & typeof globalThis
  navigator: Navigator
  constructor(options: ClientOptions)

  get(names?: InfoTypes | InfoTypes[]): Partial<{
    device: InfoKeys | undefined
    os: InfoKeys | undefined
    browser: InfoKeys | undefined
    engine: InfoKeys | undefined
    language: any
    network: any
    orientation: string | undefined

  getInfoByType(infoKey: InfoKey): InfoKeys | undefined
  getOrientationStatus(): 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | undefined
  getNetwork(): any
  getLanguage(): any


pattern returns some common rules

  • Since: 1.0.1

  • Arguments: none

  • Returns: none

  • Example:

pattern.number.test('333') // true
  • Types:
declare const pattern: {
  any: RegExp
  number: RegExp
  string: RegExp
  postcode: RegExp
  url: RegExp
  username: RegExp
  float: RegExp
  email: RegExp
  mobile: RegExp
  chinese: RegExp
  tel: RegExp
  qq: RegExp
  pass: RegExp
  json: RegExp
  arrjson: RegExp
  array: RegExp
  isjson: RegExp
  textarea: RegExp

Extras for String & Array & Object & Function


Remove all attributes of HTML tags

  • Since: 1.0.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
string string with html tags string - true -
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

clearAttr('<div id="testID">test</div>')
// '<div>test</div>'
  • Types:
declare function clearAttr(string: string): string


Remove HTML tags

  • Since: 1.0.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
string string with html tags string - true -
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

clearHtml('<div>test<br />string</div>')
// 'teststring'
  • Types:
declare function clearHtml(string: string): string


Escaping HTML Special Characters

  • Since: 5.5.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
string string with html tags string - true -
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

escape('<div>test<br />string</div>')
// '&lt;div&gt;test&lt;br /&gt;string&lt;/div&gt;'
  • Types:
declare function escape(string: string): string


Restore HTML Special Characters

  • Since: 5.5.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
string string string - true -
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

unescape('&lt;div&gt;test&lt;br /&gt;string&lt;/div&gt;')
// '<div>test<br />string</div>'
  • Types:
declare function unescape(string: string): string


Get the number in the string

  • Since: 1.0.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
string pass in a string with a number string - true -
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

// '123.33'

// '234.88'
  • Types:
declare function getNumber(string: string): string


Converts humped strings to -spaced and all lowercase Dash pattern

  • Since: 1.0.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
string the string to be converted string - true -
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

camel2Dash('jsCool') // js-cool
  • Types:
declare function camel2Dash(string: string): string


Converts -spaced and all lowercase Dash patterns to humped strings

  • Since: 1.0.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
string the string to be converted string - true -
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

dash2Camel('js-cool') // jsCool
  • Types:
declare function dash2Camel(string: string): string


Generate random hexadecimal colors

  • Since: 5.5.0

  • Arguments: none

  • Returns: string

  • Example:

randomColor() // #ff6600
  • Types:
declare function randomColor(): string


Get a random number

  • Since: 5.0.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
min the minimum value of the random number number - false 1
max the maximum value of the random number number - false 10
  • Returns: number

  • Example:

randomNumber() // 8
randomNumber(0.1, 0.9) // 0.8
  • Types:
declare function randomNumber(min?: number, max?: number): number


Generate n random integers that sum to a fixed sum

  • Since: 5.4.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
n Number of generated integers number - false 1
sum Sum of generated integers number - false 100
noZero Generate integers that are not zero boolean - false true
  • Returns: Array<number>

  • Example:

// [8]

randomNumbers(4, 5)
// [1, 1, 2, 1]

randomNumbers(4, 5, false)
// [0, 1, 2, 2]
  • Types:
declare function randomNumbers(n?: number, sum?: number): number[]


Get a random string

v5.4.0 widthSpecialChar changed to options, still compatible with old usage, widthSpecialChar=true equivalent to { charTypes: ['uppercase', 'lowercase', 'number', 'special'] }

  • Since: 5.0.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
len the length of the random string that needs to be obtained number - false 32
options randomString options RandomStringOptions boolean - false { charTypes: ['uppercase', 'lowercase', 'number'] }
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

// 1. No parameters are passed, a 32-bit (possibly) string containing upper and lower case letters and numbers is generated by default
// PVSjz902EqYbmxaLtvDnggtnlvt5uFTZ

// 2. Generate a 16-bit random string
// coTgZy0mqqMJ1sMM

// 3. Same effect as #2 above
  length: 16
// ngCI5aPqJm84t90d

// 4. Generate containing special characters (old way of passing values, not recommended)
// 0Uby@op3B-sK5]dHl4S|15As.OlHiNXd

// 5. Same effect as #4 above (recommended)
  charTypes: ['uppercase', 'lowercase', 'number', 'special']
// m,2^vpkrE,F,DbcSFk0=vr&@DJ27j9XK

// 6. Same effect as #4 above, Limit string length to 16 bits
randomString(16, true)
// dXz[J_sYM^3d8fnA

// 7. Generate a 16-bit random number
  length: 16,
  charTypes: 'number'
// 7450026301030286

// 8. Elimination of confusing characters: oOLl,9gq,Vv,Uu,I1
  length: 16,
  noConfuse: true
// 8DEGna8ppC4mqyew

// 9. The generated random string must contain at least 1 character of each type of character specified, e.g. to generate a 16-bit password that must contain upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.
  length: 16,
  strict: true
  • Types:
declare function randomString(len?: number, options?: RandomStringOptions | boolean): string

declare function randomString(
  len?: RandomStringOptions | boolean,
  options?: RandomStringOptions | boolean
): string

declare type RandomStringCharType = 'uppercase' | 'lowercase' | 'number' | 'special'

declare interface RandomStringOptions {
  length?: number
  charTypes?: RandomStringCharType | ArrayOneMore<RandomStringCharType>
   * Elimination of confusing characters: oOLl,9gq,Vv,Uu,I1
  noConfuse?: boolean
   * The generated random string must contain each of the listed character types
  strict?: boolean


shuffling algorithm, Reordering arrays or strings

  • Since: 5.4.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
value arrays or strings array string - true -
size new array or string length number - false -
  • Returns: array | string

  • Example:

const str = 'abcde'
const arr = [1, 2, 3]

// cdbse

// [3, 1, 2]

shuffle(arr, 2)
// [3, 2]
  • Types:
declare function shuffle(value: string, size?: number): string

declare function shuffle<T extends unknown[] = unknown[]>(value: T, size?: number): T


Generating Browser Fingerprints

  • Since: 5.2.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
domain key string string - false
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

fingerprint('') // wc7sWJJA8
  • Types:
declare function fingerprint(domain?: string): string | null


Get the length of the string, Chinese counts as 2 characters

  • Since: 1.0.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
str input string string - true -
  • Returns: number

  • Example:

getCHSLength('测试') // 2
  • Types:
declare function getCHSLength(str: string): number


Intercept string, Chinese counts as 2 bytes

  • Since: 1.0.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
str the string to be intercepted string - true -
len length number - false -
hasDot output with dot boolean - false false
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

cutCHSString('测试', 1) // 测
cutCHSString('测试', 1, true) // 测...
  • Types:
declare function cutCHSString(str: string, len?: number, hasDot?: boolean): string



Determine if a string is a number

  • Since: 1.0.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
str the string to be tested string - true -
  • Returns: boolean

  • Example:

isDigitals('2.11') // true
isDigitals('2.3x') // false
  • Types:
declare function isDigitals(str: string): boolean


Determine if a function is defined

  • Since: 1.0.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
name function name string - true -
  • Returns: boolean

  • Example:

isExitsFunction('test') // false
isExitsFunction('console.log') // true
  • Types:
declare function isExitsFunction(name: string): boolean


Determine if a variable is defined

  • Since: 1.0.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
name variable name string - true -
  • Returns: boolean

  • Example:

isExitsVariable('test') // false
isExitsVariable('window') // true
  • Types:
declare function isExitsVariable(name: string): boolean


Determine if window object

  • Since: 5.0.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
target any target any - true -
  • Returns: boolean

  • Example:

isWindow({}) // false
isWindow(window) // true
  • Types:
declare function isWindow<T = any>(target: T): target is Window


Determine if target is an plain object

  • Since: 5.0.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
target any target any - true -
  • Returns: boolean

  • Example:

isPlainObject({}) // true
isPlainObject(window) // false
  • Types:
type Primitive = bigint | boolean | null | number | string | symbol | undefined

type JSONValue = Primitive | PlainObject | JSONArray

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-indexed-object-style
interface PlainObject {
  [key: string]: JSONValue

interface JSONArray extends Array<JSONValue> {}

declare function isPlainObject(target: unknown): target is PlainObject


Determine if dark color mode

  • Since: 5.5.0

  • Arguments: none

  • Returns: boolean

  • Example:

isDarkMode() // false
  • Types:
declare function isDarkMode(): boolean


Determine if target is an object

  • Since: 5.0.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
target any target any - true -
  • Returns: boolean

  • Example:

isObject({}) // true
  • Types:
declare function isObject<T = any>(target: T): target is Object


Determine if it is an array

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
target any target any - true -
  • Returns: boolean

  • Example:

isArray([]) // true
  • Types:
declare function isIterable(target: any): target is any[]


Determine if it is iterable

  • Since: 5.7.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
target any target any - true -
  • Returns: boolean

  • Example:

isIterable([]) // true
  • Types:
declare function isIterable<T = any>(target: T | Iterable<T>): target is Iterable<T>


Determine if it is running on the browser side

  • Since: 4.5.0

  • Arguments: none

  • Returns: boolean

  • Example:

function test() {
  if (!inBrowser) return null
  // ...
  • Types:
declare const inBrowser: boolean


Get the window size

  • Since: 1.0.1

  • Arguments: none

  • Returns: { width, height }

  • Example:

// { width: 1280, height: 800 }
  • Types:
declare interface WindowSizeObj {
  width: number
  height: number

declare function windowSize(): WindowSizeObj


Get the APP version number

deprecated please use 'appVersion' instead

  • Since: 1.0.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
appName app name string - true -
withApp whether to bring the name boolean - false -
userAgent ua or any ua like string, may not be passed string - false navigator.userAgent
  • Returns: string | boolean | null

  • Example:

// navigator.userAgent => '5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 AppName/1.0.0-beta.8'

getAppVersion('Chrome') //
getAppVersion('Safari', true) // Safari/537.36
  • Types:
declare function getAppVersion(
  appName: string,
  withApp?: boolean,
  userAgent?: string
): string | boolean | null


Get the app version number

  • Since: 5.1.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
appName app name string - true -
ua ua or any ua like string, may not be passed string - false navigator.userAgent
ignoreCase whether to ignore case boolean true/false false true
  • Returns: string | null

  • Example:

// navigator.userAgent => '5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 AppName/1.0.0-beta.8'

appVersion('Chrome') //
appVersion('Safari') // 537.36
appVersion('appname', false) // null
appVersion('appname') // 1.0.0-beta.8
  • Types:
declare function appVersion(appName: string): string | null
declare function appVersion(appName: string, ua: string): string | null
declare function appVersion(appName: string, ua: boolean): string | null
declare function appVersion(appName: string, ua: string, ignoreCase: boolean): string | null


Get the phone system version

deprecated: please use 'osVersion' instead

  • Since: 1.0.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
osName system type string Android, iPod, iWatch or iPhone string - true -
withOS whether to bring the name string - false -
userAgent ua or any ua like string, may not be passed string - false navigator.userAgent
  • Returns: string | boolean | null

  • Example:

// '13.2.3'

getOsVersion('iPhone', true)
// 'iPhone/13.2.3'
  • Types:
declare function getOsVersion(
  osName: string,
  withOS?: boolean,
  userAgent?: string
): string | boolean | null


get the system version

  • Since: 5.1.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
ua ua or any ua like string, may not be passed string - false navigator.userAgent
  • Returns: OsVersion | null

  • Example:

// ipad => 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 13_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/87.0.4280.77 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1'
osVersion() // \{ name: 'iOS', version: '13.3' \}
// iphone => 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1'
osVersion() // \{ name: 'iOS', version: '13.2.3' \}
//  mac os => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'
osVersion() // \{ name: 'MacOS', version: '10.15.7' \}
// windows => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'
osVersion() // \{ name: 'Windows', version: '10.0' \}
// windows xp => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.2; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'
osVersion() // \{ name: 'Windows', version: 'XP' \}
// windows phone => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows Phone OS 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.82 Safari/537.36'
osVersion() // \{ name: 'WindowsPhone', version: '10.0' \}
  • Types:
declare interface OsVersion {
  name: 'Windows' | 'MacOS' | 'Android' | 'iOS' | 'WindowsPhone' | 'Debian' | 'WebOS'
  version: string

declare function osVersion(ua?: string): OsVersion | null


Get the browser name and version

  • Since: 5.2.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
ua ua or any ua like string, may not be passed string - false navigator.userAgent
  • Returns: BrowserVersion | null

  • Example:

// Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) Ap…KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
browserVersion() // \{ name: 'Chrome', version: '' \}
  • Types:
declare interface BrowserVersion {
  name: 'Windows' | 'MacOS' | 'Android' | 'iOS' | 'WindowsPhone' | 'Debian' | 'WebOS'
  version: string

declare function browserVersion(ua?: string): BrowserVersion | null


v5.8.0 support compare tag version

Version number size comparison, tag version: rc > beta > alpha > other

  • Since: 4.7.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
input input version string - true -
compare compare version string - true -
  • Returns: 0 | 1 | -1

  • Example:

compareVersion('1.11.0', '1.9.9')
// => 1: 1=Version 1.11.0 is newer than 1.9.9

compareVersion('1.11.0', '1.11.0')
// => 0: 0=Versions 1.11.0 and 1.11.0 are the same

compareVersion('1.11.0', '1.99.0')
// => -1: -1=Version 1.11.0 is older than 1.99.0

compareVersion('', '1.0')
// => -1

// compare tag version: rc > beta > alpha > other
compareVersion('1.11.0', '1.11.0-beta.1')
// => -1

compareVersion('1.11.0-beta.1', '1.11.0')
// => -1

compareVersion('1.11.0-beta.10', '1.11.0-beta.10')
// => 0

compareVersion('1.11.0-alpha.10', '1.11.0-beta.1')
// => -1

compareVersion('1.11.0-alpha.10', '1.11.0-rc.1')
// => -1

compareVersion('1.11.0-tag.10', '1.11.0-alpha.1')
// => -1

compareVersion('1.11.0-tag.10', '1.11.0-tag.1')
// => 1

compareVersion('1.11.0-release.10', '1.11.0-tag.1')
// => 1
  • Types:
declare function compareVersion(input: string, compare: string): 0 | 1 | -1


parse url params. (If covert is passed true: Scientific notation, binary, octal and hexadecimal types of data are not converted, like: 0b111, 0o13, 0xFF, 1e3, -1e-2)

  • Since: 5.0.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
url url string (like: ?key1=value1&key2=value2) string - true -
covert Converts a specific string to a corresponding value boolean true/false false false
  • Returns: object

  • Example:

// \{"key1":"100","key2":"true","key3":"null","key4":"undefined","key5":"NaN","key6":"10.888","key7":"Infinity","key8":"test"\}

// \{"key1":100,"key2":true,"key3":null,"key5":NaN,"key6":10.888,"key7":Infinity,"key8":"test"\}
  • Types:
declare function parseUrlParam(url: string, covert?: boolean): Record<string, unknown>


Splice URL parameters (single layer only)

  • Since: 5.3.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
params json object object - true -
covert Convert a null value type (null/undefined/) to an empty string boolean true/false false false
withQuestionsMark Splicing a question mark boolean true/false false true
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

spliceUrlParam({ key1: '100', key2: 'true', key3: 'null', key4: 'undefined', key4: '测试' }) // ?key1=100&key2=true&key3=null&key4=undefined&key5=%E6%B5%8B%E8%AF%95
spliceUrlParam({ key1: '100', key2: 'true', key3: 'null', key4: 'undefined' }, true) // ?key1=100&key2=true&key3=&key4=
spliceUrlParam({ key1: '100', key2: 'true', key3: 'null', key4: 'undefined' }, true, false) // key1=100&key2=true&key3=&key4=
  • Types:
declare function spliceUrlParam(
  params: Record<string, unknown>,
  covert?: boolean,
  withQuestionsMark?: boolean
): string | null


Get the URL parameter in the form of a directory

It will be refactored and renamed getDirParams in the next major release.

  • Since: 1.0.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
url http url object - true -
  • Returns: object

  • Example:

  • Types:
declare interface DirParamType {
  path?: string[]
  host?: string

declare function getDirParam(url: string): DirParamType


Get a single query parameter (behind "#")

  • Since: 5.0.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
key key name string - true -
url pass in the url string string - false location.href
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

// key1 => xxx

getQueryParam('key1', '')
// key1 => 200
  • Types:
declare function getQueryParam(key: string): string | undefined

declare function getQueryParam(key: string, url: string): string | undefined


Get all query parameters (behind "#"). (If covert is passed true: Scientific notation, binary, octal and hexadecimal types of data are not converted, like: 0b111, 0o13, 0xFF, 1e3, -1e-2)

  • Since: 5.0.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
url pass in the url string string - false location.href
covert Converts a specific string to a corresponding value boolean true/false false false
  • Returns: object

  • Example:

// \{"key1":"200"\}

getQueryParams('', true)
// \{"key1":200\}

// \{"key1":200\}
  • Types:
declare function getQueryParams(url?: string, covert?: boolean): Record<string, unknown> | null


Get a single URL parameter (from the "", before "#")

  • Since: 5.0.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
key key name string - true -
url pass in the url string string - false location.href
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

// key1 => xxx

getUrlParam('key1', '')
// key1 => 100
  • Types:
declare function getUrlParam(key: string): string | undefined

declare function getUrlParam(key: string, url: string): string | undefined


Get all URL parameters (from the "", before "#"). (If covert is passed true: Scientific notation, binary, octal and hexadecimal types of data are not converted, like: 0b111, 0o13, 0xFF, 1e3, -1e-2)

  • Since: 5.0.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
url pass in the url string string - false location.href
covert Converts a specific string to a corresponding value boolean true/false false false
  • Returns: object

  • Example:

// \{"key1":"100"\}

getUrlParams('', true)
// \{"key1":100\}

// \{"key1":100\}
  • Types:
declare function getUrlParams(url?: string, covert?: boolean): Record<string, unknown> | null

localStorage & sessionStorage & Cookie


Get the cache, if the deposited is Object, the retrieved is also Object, no need to convert again

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
name cache key name string - true -
  • Returns: any

  • Example:

import { getCache, setCache } from 'js-cool'

const data1 = 100
const data2 = { a: 10 }
const data3 = null

setCache('data1', data1)
setCache('data2', data2)
setCache('data3', data3)

getCache('data1') // 100
getCache('data2') // {a:10}
getCache('data3') // null

getCache('data4') // null
  • Types:
declare function getCache(name: string): any


Set the cache, if the deposited is Object, the retrieved is also Object, no need to convert again

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
name cache key name string - true -
value cache data, can be passed directly into Object any - true -
seconds cache time (seconds) number - false -
  • Returns: void

  • Example:

import { getCache, setCache } from 'js-cool'

const data1 = 100
const data2 = { a: 10 }
const data3 = null

setCache('data1', data1)
setCache('data2', data2, 10)

getCache('data1') // 100
getCache('data2') // {a:10}

setTimeout(() => {
  getCache('data2') // null
}, 15000)
  • Types:
declare function setCache<T = unknown>(name: string, value: T, seconds?: number | string): void


Delete localStorage

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
name cache key name string - true -
  • Returns: void

  • Example:

  • Types:
declare function delCache(name: string): void


Get the session, if the deposited is Object, the retrieved is also Object, no need to convert again

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
name session key name string - true -
  • Returns: any

  • Example:

const data1 = 100
const data2 = { a: 10 }
const data3 = null

setSession('data1', data1)
setSession('data2', data2)
setSession('data3', data3)

getSession('data1') // 100
getSession('data2') // {a:10}
getSession('data3') // null

getSession('data4') // null
  • Types:
declare function getSession(name: string): any


Set the session, if the deposited is Object, the retrieved is also Object, no need to convert again

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
name session key name string - true -
value session data, can be passed directly into Object any - true -
seconds session time (seconds) number - false -
  • Returns: void

  • Example:

import { getSession, setSession } from 'js-cool'

const data1 = 100
const data2 = { a: 10 }
const data3 = null

setSession('data1', data1)
setSession('data2', data2, 10)

getSession('data1') // 100
getSession('data2') // {a:10}

setTimeout(() => {
  getSession('data2') // null
}, 15000)
  • Types:
declare function setSession<T = unknown>(name: string, value: T, seconds?: number | string): void


Delete sessionStorage

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
name session key name string - true -
  • Returns: void

  • Example:

  • Types:
declare function delSession(name: string): void


Get cookie by name

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
name cookie key name string - true -
  • Returns: any

  • Example:

getCookie('data1') // 100
  • Types:
declare function getCookie(name: string): string


Get all cookies

  • Since: 5.6.0

  • Arguments: 'none'

  • Returns: object

  • Example:

// { token: 'xxx', name: 'saqqdy' }
  • Types:
declare function getCookies(): Record<string, string>


Set cookie

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
name cookie key name string - true -
value cookie data, can be passed directly into Object any - true -
seconds cookie time (seconds) number - false -
path cookie path string - false /
samesite SameSite type string Strict/Lax /None false None
  • Returns: void

  • Example:

import { getCookie, setCookie } from 'js-cool'

const data1 = 100
const data2 = 200

setCookie('data1', data1)
setCookie('data2', data2, 10)

getCookie('data1') // 100
getCookie('data2') // 200

setTimeout(() => {
  getCookie('data2') // null
}, 15000)
  • Types:
declare function setCookie<T extends string | number | boolean>(
  name: string,
  value: T,
  seconds: string | number,
  path?: string,
  samesite?: boolean
): void


Delete cookie

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
name cookie key name string - true -
  • Returns: void

  • Example:

  • Types:
declare function delCookie(name: string): void

Base64 & UTF8


convert strings, numbers to base64

  • Since: 1.0.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
input the string to be encoded string/number - true -
  • Returns: void

  • Example:

  • Types:
declare function encodeBase64(name: string): string


base64 decoding

  • Since: 1.0.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
input the string to be decoded string/number - true -
  • Returns: void

  • Example:

  • Types:
declare function decodeBase64(name: string): string


convert strings, numbers to utf8

  • Since: 1.0.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
input the string to be encoded string/number - true -
  • Returns: void

  • Example:

  • Types:
declare function encodeUtf8(name: string): string


utf8 decoding

  • Since: 1.0.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
input the string to be decoded string/number - true -
  • Returns: void

  • Example:

  • Types:
declare function decodeUtf8(name: string): string



stop bubbling

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
e dom's event object Event - true -
  • Returns: boolean

  • Example:

  • Types:
declare function stopBubble(e: Event): boolean


stop default events

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
e dom's event object Event - true -
  • Returns: boolean

  • Example:

  • Types:
declare function stopDefault(e: Event): boolean


event delegate, support multiple delegates

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
element js dom object HTMLElement - true -
type The type of the event. No need to add on string - true -
handler Callback method function - true -
  • Returns: void

  • Example:

addEvent(document, 'click', functionName)
  • Types:
declare function addEvent(element: AnyObject, type: string, handler: AnyFunction): void


removeEvent removes the event delegate created by addEvent

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
element js dom object HTMLElement - true -
type The type of the event. No need to add on string - true -
handler Callback method function - true -
  • Returns: void

  • Example:

removeEvent(document, 'click', functionName)
  • Types:
declare function removeEvent(element: AnyObject, type: string, handler: AnyFunction): void


Get slide to top and bottom return 'top' 'bottom', recommend using limit flow

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments: none

  • Returns: 'top' | 'bottom' | undefined

  • Example:

getScrollPosition() // ‘bottom’
  • Types:
declare function getScrollPosition(): string | void



return the next zIndex value

change mix defaults to 0

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
min minimum value number - false 0
max maximum value number - false -
  • Returns: number

  • Example:

nextIndex() // 1

nextIndex(1000) // 1001

nextIndex(10, 100) // 100
  • Types:
declare function nextIndex(min?: number, max?: number): number


truncate a few decimal places, not 0 for shortage

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
number the number of digits to be processed number/string - true -
n the number of decimal places to keep number - false 2
  • Returns: string | number

  • Example:

// 100.88

fixNumber('100.8', 2)
// 100.8

fixNumber('100.8888', 3)
// 100.888
  • Types:
declare function fixNumber(number: string | number, n?: number): number


deep copy

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
target boolean or array or object boolean/ArrayOneMore<ExtendData> - true -
...args array or object ArrayOneMore<ExtendData> - true -
  • Returns: array | object

  • Example:

extend(true, {}, {})
  • Types:
declare function extend(
  target: ExtendObjectData,
  ...args: ArrayOneMore<ExtendObjectData>
): ExtendObjectData

declare function extend(target: boolean, ...args: ArrayOneMore<ExtendObjectData>): ExtendObjectData

declare function extend(
  target: ExtendArrayData,
  ...args: ArrayOneMore<ExtendArrayData>
): ExtendArrayData

declare function extend(target: boolean, ...args: ArrayOneMore<ExtendArrayData>): ExtendArrayData

declare type ExtendArrayData = any[]

declare type ExtendData = ExtendArrayData | ExtendObjectData

declare type ExtendObjectData = Record<string, any>


anti-dither throttling

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments: none

  • Returns: void

  • Example:

const delay = new Delay()

delay.register('key', () => {
  • Types:
declare function delay(): {
  map: any
  register(id: string, fn: AnyFunction, time: number, boo: boolean): void
  destroy(id: string): void


Get the target type

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
target any target any - true -
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

getType({}) // object
getType([]) // array
getType(new Promise()) // promise
getType(new Date()) // date
getType(async () => {}) // function
getType(navigator) // navigator
getType(global) // global
getType(window) // window
getType(Symbol('')) // symbol
  • Types:
declare function getType<T = any>(
  target: T
  | 'string'
  | 'number'
  | 'bigint'
  | 'boolean'
  | 'symbol'
  | 'undefined'
  | 'object'
  | 'function'
  | 'window'
  | 'error'
  | 'promise'
  | 'math'
  | 'document'
  | 'navigator'
  | 'global'
  | 'array'
  | 'date'
  | 'regexp'
  | 'null'


Data cleaning methods

  • Since: 1.0.2

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
data the object to be cleaned object - true -
map the data queue to be cleaned, can be passed as array or object array/object - true -
nullFix the value returned if there is no corresponding property, the default does not return the property any - false -
  • Returns: any

  • Example:

  • Types:
declare function cleanData(data: any, map: any[] | AnyObject, nullFix?: any): any


Several ways of file downloading:

  1. For file formats that some browsers do not recognize. Enter the file URL in the address bar, window.location.href = URL,;
  2. using a tag download attribute (or js create a tag);
  3. browser-recognizable pdf, txt files, back-end compatible with handling attachment;
  4. add token in the header for authenticated download, use XmlHttpRequest to want to backend to launch the request
  • Since: 1.0.5

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
url url link string - true -
filename file name string - true -
type download type string href/open/download/request false download
  • Returns: void

  • Example:

  • Types:
declare function download(url: string, filename: string, type?: string): void


tree object depth lookup

  • Since: 5.0.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
tree tree object array/object - true -
expression required Query method any - true -
keySet optional Default subclass name, query name SearchKeySet - true -
number optional Number of lookups, if not passed, query all number - false -
  • Returns: any

  • Example:

  • Types:
declare function searchObject(
  tree: object | any[],
  expression: any,
  keySet: SearchKeySet,
  number?: number
): any[]


Open link in new tab (file jump download if browser can't parse)

  • Since: 1.0.6

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
url http url string - true -
  • Returns: boolean | undefined

  • Example:

  • Types:
declare function openUrl(url: string): void


copy to clipboard

  • Since: 5.0.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
value any value any - true -
  • Returns: boolean | undefined

  • Example:

  • Types:
declare function copy(value: string): boolean | undefined


Digital thousandths division

  • Since: 3.0.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
num the number string/number - true -
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

toThousands(10000) // '10,000'
  • Types:
declare function toThousands(num: string | number): string


return true if the provided predicate function returns true for all elements in a set, otherwise return false

  • Since: 1.0.9

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
arr the target array array - true -
fn the judgment method function - true -
  • Returns: boolean

  • Example:

all([4, 2, 3], x => x > 1)
// true
  • Types:
declare const all: <T = unknown>(arr: T[], fn: AnyFunction) => boolean


Returns true if the provided predicate function returns true for at least one element of a set, false otherwise

  • Since: 1.0.9

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
arr the target array array - true -
fn the judgment method function - true -
  • Returns: boolean

  • Example:

any([0, 1, 2, 0], x => x >= 2)
// true
  • Types:
declare const any: <T = unknown>(arr: T[], fn: AnyFunction) => boolean


generate uuid on browser side, use v4 method

  • Since: 1.0.9

  • Arguments: none

  • Returns: string

  • Example:

uuid() // '4222fcfe-5721-4632-bede-6043885be57d'
  • Types:
declare const uuid: () => string


Converts a comma-separated string of values (CSV) to a 2D array.

  • Since: 1.0.9

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
data csv data string - true -
delimiter delimiter string - false ','
omitFirstRow the first row is the table header data boolean - false false
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

CSVToArray('a,b\\nc,d') // `[['a','b'],['c','d']]`
CSVToArray('a;b\\\nc;d', ';') // `[['a','b'],['c','d']]`
CSVToArray('col1,col2\\\na,b\\\nc,d', ',', true) // `[['a','b'],['c','d']]`
  • Types:
declare const CSVToArray: (data: string, delimiter?: string, omitFirstRow?: boolean) => string[][]


Converts a two-dimensional array to a comma-separated string of values (CSV).

  • Since: 1.0.9

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
arr json data array - true -
delimiter delimiter string - false ','
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

  ['a', 'b'],
  ['c', 'd']
// '"a", "b" \n "c", "d"'

    ['a', 'b'],
    ['c', 'd']
// '"a"; "b"\n "c"; "d"'

  ['a', '"b" great'],
  ['c', 3.1415]
// '"a", """b"" great"\n "c",3.1415'
  • Types:
declare function arrayToCSV<T extends unknown[][]>(data: T, delimiter?: string): string


Converts a comma-separated string of values (CSV) to an array of 2D objects. The first line of the string is used as the header line.

  • Since: 1.0.9

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
data csv data string - true -
delimiter delimiter string - false ','
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

// `[{'col1': 'a', 'col2': 'b'}, {'col1': 'c', 'col2': 'd'}]`

CSVToJSON('col1;col2\\\na;b\\\nc;d', ';')
// `[{'col1': 'a', 'col2': 'b'}, {'col1': 'c', 'col2': 'd'}]`
  • Types:
declare function CSVToJSON(data: string, delimiter?: string): any[]


Converts an array of objects to a comma-separated value (CSV) string containing only the specified columns.

  • Since: 1.0.9

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
arr json data array - true -
columns the specified columns array - true -
delimiter delimiter string - false ','
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

JSONToCSV([{ a: 1, b: 2 }, { a: 3, b: 4, c: 5 }, { a: 6 }, { b: 7 }], ['a', 'b']) // 'a,b\n "1", "2"\n "3", "4"\n "6",""\n"", "7"'
JSONToCSV([{ a: 1, b: 2 }, { a: 3, b: 4, c: 5 }, { a: 6 }, { b: 7 }], ['a', 'b'], ';') // 'a;b\n "1"; "2"\n "3"; "4"\n "6";""\n""; "7"'
  • Types:
declare const JSONToCSV: (arr: any[], columns: any[], delimiter?: string) => string


Converts RGB component values to color codes.

  • Since: 1.0.9

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
r the 1st value of RGB number - true -
g RGB's 2nd value number - true -
b RGB's 3nd value number - true -
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

RGBToHex(255, 165, 1) // 'ffa501'
  • Types:
declare const RGBToHex: (r: number, g: number, b: number) => string


Find the intersection of multiple arrays

  • Since: 2.2.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
...arr array targets array - true -
  • Returns: array

  • Example:

intersect([1, 2], [2, 3, 4], [2, 8], [2, '33']) // [2]
  • Types:
declare function intersect<T = unknown>(...args: T[][]): T[]


Find the concatenation of multiple arrays

  • Since: 2.2.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
...arr array targets array - true -
  • Returns: array

  • Example:

union([1, 2], [2, '33']) // [1, 2, '33']
  • Types:
declare function union<T = unknown>(...args: T[][]): T[]


Find the set of differences of multiple arrays that belong to A but not to B/C/D... of the elements of

  • Since: 2.2.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
...arr array targets array - true -
  • Returns: array

  • Example:

minus([1, 2], [2, '33'], [2, 4]) // [1]
  • Types:
declare function minus<T = unknown>(...args: T[][]): T[]


Find the complement of multiple arrays

  • Since: 2.2.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
...arr array targets array - true -
  • Returns: array

  • Example:

complement([1, 2], [2, '33'], [2]) // [1, '33']
  • Types:
declare function complement<T = unknown>(...args: T[][]): T[]


Whether the array contains the specified element

  • Since: 2.2.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
arr array target array - true -
item any array member any - true -
  • Returns: boolean

  • Example:

contains([1, 2], 2) // true
contains([1, 2], 3) // false
  • Types:
declare function contains(arr: any[], item: any): boolean


Array de-duplication

  • Since: 2.2.1

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
arr array target array - true -
  • Returns: array

  • Example:

unique([1, 2, 2, '33']) // [1, 2, '33']
  • Types:
declare function unique<T = unknown>(arr: T[]): T[]


ipv6 address completion

  • Since: 2.2.2

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
ip ip address string - true -
  • Returns: string

  • Example:

fillIPv6('2409:8005:800::2') // '2409:8005:0800:0000:0000:0000:0000:0002'
fillIPv6('2409:8005:800::1c') // '2409:8005:0800:0000:0000:0000:0000:001c'
  • Types:
declare function fillIPv6(ip: string): string


Get array, object property values based on path string

  • Since: 2.2.4

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
target target array, object array/object - true -
prop query target, can pass function string/function - true -
  • Returns: any

  • Example:

const target = {
  a: 1,
  b: [
      c: 2
getProperty(target, 'a') // 1
getProperty(target, 'b[0].c') // 2
getProperty(target, () => 'a') // 1
  • Types:
declare function getProperty(
  target: any,
    | string
    | {
        (): string
): any


Set array, object property values based on path string

  • Since: 2.7.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
target target array, object array/object - true -
prop set target, can pass function, 'a' | 'a[1].c' string/function - true -
value value any - true -
  • Returns: any

  • Example:

const target = {
  a: 1,
  b: [
      c: 2
setProperty(target, 'a') // 1
setProperty(target, 'b[0].c') // 2
setProperty(target, () => 'a') // 1
  • Types:
declare function setProperty(
  target: any,
    | string
    | {
        (): string
  value: any
): any


load resources dynamically, support js, images, css links, css style strings

  • Since: 2.8.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
url link to the resource, type must be passed when passing in styleString string - true -
options parameters: attrs, props, force SourceOptions - false -
  • Returns: boolean | imageUrl

  • Example:

loadSource('/source/url', options)
  • Types:
import { ImageAttributes } from 'mount-image'
import { LinkAttributes } from 'mount-css'
import { ScriptAttributes } from 'mount-script'
import { StyleAttributes } from 'mount-style'

declare function loadSource(
  url: string,
  option: SourceFileType | SourceOptions
): Promise<boolean | string>

declare type SourceFileType = 'js' | 'img' | 'css' | 'style' | string

declare interface SourceOptions {
  type: SourceFileType
  attrs?: LinkAttributes | StyleAttributes | ScriptAttributes | ImageAttributes
  props?: LinkAttributes | StyleAttributes | ScriptAttributes | ImageAttributes
  force?: boolean


dynamically load css link resources

  • Since: 2.8.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
url resource url string - true -
options parameters: attrs, props, force CssOptions - false -
  • Returns: boolean

  • Example:

mountCss('/source/url', options)
  • Types:
declare interface CssOptions {
  attrs?: LinkAttributes
  props?: LinkAttributes
  force?: boolean

declare interface HTMLLinkElementEX extends HTMLLinkElement {
  onreadystatechange?: any
  readyState?: 'loaded' | 'complete'

declare type LinkAttributes = Pick<
  | 'as'
  | 'charset'
  | 'crossOrigin'
  | 'disabled'
  | 'href'
  | 'hreflang'
  | 'imageSizes'
  | 'imageSrcset'
  | 'integrity'
  | 'media'
  | 'referrerPolicy'
  | 'rel'
  | 'rev'
  | 'target'
  | 'type'

declare function mountCss(src: string, option?: CssOptions): Promise<boolean>


load image resource dynamically

  • Since: 2.8.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
url resource url string - true -
options parameters: attrs, props, force ImgOptions - false -
  • Returns: boolean | imageUrl

  • Example:

mountImg('/source/url', options)
  • Types:
declare interface HTMLImageElementEX extends HTMLImageElement {
  onreadystatechange?: any
  readyState?: 'loaded' | 'complete'

declare type ImageAttributes = Pick<
  | 'align'
  | 'alt'
  | 'border'
  | 'crossOrigin'
  | 'decoding'
  | 'height'
  | 'hspace'
  | 'isMap'
  | 'loading'
  | 'longDesc'
  | 'lowsrc'
  | 'name'
  | 'referrerPolicy'
  | 'sizes'
  | 'src'
  | 'srcset'
  | 'useMap'
  | 'vspace'
  | 'width'

declare interface ImgOptions {
  attrs?: ImageAttributes
  props?: ImageAttributes
  force?: boolean

declare function mountImage(src: string, option?: ImgOptions): Promise<boolean | string>


load js link resources dynamically

  • Since: 2.8.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
url resource url string - true -
options parameters: attrs, props, force JsOptions - false -
  • Returns: boolean

  • Example:

mountJs('/source/url', options)
  • Types:
declare interface HTMLScriptElementEX extends HTMLScriptElement {
  onreadystatechange?: any
  readyState?: 'loaded' | 'complete'

declare interface JsOptions {
  attrs?: ScriptAttributes
  props?: ScriptAttributes
  force?: boolean

declare function mountJs(src: string, option?: JsOptions): Promise<boolean>

declare type ScriptAttributes = Pick<
  | 'async'
  | 'charset'
  | 'crossOrigin'
  | 'defer'
  | 'event'
  | 'htmlFor'
  | 'integrity'
  | 'noModule'
  | 'referrerPolicy'
  | 'src'
  | 'text'
  | 'type'


load css styles dynamically

  • Since: 2.8.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
url resource url string - true -
options parameters: attrs, props, force StyleOptions - false -
  • Returns: boolean

  • Example:

mountStyle('/source/url', options)
  • Types:
declare function mountStyle(css: string, option?: StyleOptions): Promise<boolean>

declare type StyleAttributes = Pick<HTMLStyleElement, 'disabled' | 'media' | 'type'>

declare interface StyleOptions {
  attrs?: StyleAttributes
  props?: StyleAttributes


Image preloading

  • Since: 5.5.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
images images url string array - true -
  • Returns: void

  • Example:


  • Types:
declare function preloader(images: string): HTMLImageElement

declare function preloader(images: string[]): Record<string, HTMLImageElement>


waiting for a while

  • Since: 5.5.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
milliseconds waiting time (milliseconds) number - true -
  • Returns: Promise<void>

  • Example:

  • Types:
declare function waiting(milliseconds: number): Promise<void>


Async await wrapper for easy error handling

v5.7.0 Extend awaitTo to support passing in multiple promises

  • Since: 5.2.0

  • Arguments:

Parameters Description Type Optional Required Default
promise promise function Promise Promise[] - true -
...promises Promise rest params Promise[] - false -
  • Returns: [Error, undefined] or [null, data | data[]]

  • Example:

import { awaitTo as to } from 'js-cool'

// 1. simple use
const [err, data] = await to(new Promise())
if (err) {
  // handle request error

// 2. Pass in multiple promises
const [err, data] = await to(promise1, promise2)
// or
const [err, data] = await to([promise1, promise2])
  • Types:
declare function awaitTo<T, E = Error>(promise: Promise<T>): Promise<[E, undefined] | [null, T]>

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采用rollup + typescript开发的js常用方法库

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 96.9%Language:JavaScript 2.5%Language:Shell 0.6%