ncarandini / Meadow.CLI

Meadow Command-Line-Interface for interacting with Meadow and Meadow.Cloud via terminal. Also includes `Meadow.CLI.Core`, which can be used programmatically from an app as a library.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Getting Started

Note: For OSX users, this line needs to be changed to libusb-1.0 TODO: determine OS at runtime or handle fallback

The CLI tool supports DFU flashing for nuttx.bin and nuttx_user.bin. When the application is run with -d, it looks for nuttx.bin and nuttx_user.bin in the application directory and if not found, it will abort. Optionally, paths for the files can be specific with --osFile and --userFile.

The CLI tool also supports device and file management including file transfers, flash partitioning, and MCU reset.

To run MeadowCLI on Windows, run meadow.exe from the command prompt. On Mac and Windows, call mono meadow.exe.


To see the options, run the application with the --help arg.

Running Commands

Specifying the Serial Port

File and device commands require you to specify the serial port (-s or --SerialPort). You can determine the serial port name in Windows by viewing the Device Manager. The CLI will remember the last Serial Port used, so you only need to specify it if you need to change the value.

On Mac and Linux, the serial port will show up in the /dev folder, generally with the prefix tty.usb. You can likely find the serial port name by running the command ls /dev/tty.usb.

Setting the Log Verbosity

Appending -v or -vv to any command will increase the logging verbosity to Debug and Trace respectively. Trace should only be necessary when debugging issues with the CLI.

Available Commands

meadow v0.13.0

  meadow [options]
  meadow [command] [...]

  -h|--help         Shows help text.
  --version         Shows version information.

  debug             Debug a Meadow Application
  download os       Downloads the latest Meadow.OS to the host PC.
  install dfu-util  Install the DfuUtil utility
  listen            Listen for console output from Meadow
  trace disable     Disable Trace Logging on the Meadow
  trace enable      Enable trace logging on the Meadow
  trace level       Enable trace logging on the Meadow
  flash erase       Erase the flash on the Meadow Board
  flash verify      Verify the contents of the flash were deleted.
  qspi write        Write a QSPI value to the Meadow
  qspi read         Read a QSPI value from the Meadow
  qspi write        Write a QSPI value to the Meadow
  nsh disable       Disables NSH on the Meadow device.
  nsh enable        Enables NSH on the Meadow device.
  mono disable      Sets mono to NOT run on the Meadow board then resets it.
  mono enable       Sets mono to run on the Meadow board and then resets it.
  mono flash        Uploads the mono runtime file to the Meadow device. Does NOT move it into place.
  mono state        Returns whether or not mono is enabled or disabled on the Meadow device.
  mono update rt    Uploads the mono runtime files to the Meadow device and moves them into place.
  file delete       Delete files from the Meadow File System
  file initial      Get the initial bytes from a file
  file list         List files in the on-board filesystem
  file write        Write files to the Meadow File System
  fs format         Format a File System on the Meadow Board
  fs renew          Create a File System on the Meadow Board
  esp32 restart     Restart the ESP32
  esp32 file write  Write files to the ESP File System
  flash esp         Flash the ESP co-processor
  flash os          Update the OS on the Meadow Board
  device info       Get the device info
  device mac        Read the ESP32's MAC address
  device name       Get the name of the Meadow
  cloud login       Log into the Meadow Service
  cloud logout      Logout of the Meadow Service
  app deploy        Deploy the specified app to the Meadow

You can run `meadow [command] --help` to show help on a specific command.

Getting Help

Specifying --help with no command will output the list of available commands. Specifying --help with a command (eg: meadow file delete --help) will output command specific help.

meadow v0.13.0

  meadow file delete --files <values...> [options]

  Delete files from the Meadow File System

* -f|--files        The file(s) to delete from the Meadow Files System
  -v                Log verbosity
  -s|--port         Meadow COM port Default: "COM19".
  -h|--help         Shows help text.

Useful commands

Update the Meadow OS

meadow flash os

Listen for Meadow Console.WriteLine

meadow listen

Set the trace level

You can set the debug trace level to values 0, 1, 2, or 3. 2 is the most useful.

meadow trace enable --level 2

File transfers

meadow files write -f [NameOfFile]

You may specify multiple instances of -f to send multiple files

List files in flash

meadow files list

Delete a File

meadow files delete -f [NameOfFile]

You may specify multiple instances of -f to send multiple files

Stop/start the installed application from running automatically

meadow mono disable
meadow mono enable

Useful utilities

meadow device info
meadow device name



meadow debug -p XXXX

This starts listening on the specified port for a debugger to attach

Note: you can use SDB command line debugger from Just build it according to its readme, run the above command and then:

sdb "connect XXXX"

Substitute XXXX for the same port number as above

Running applications

You'll typically need at least 5 files installed to the Meadow flash to run a Meadow app:

  1. System.dll
  2. System.Core.dll
  3. mscorlib.dll
  4. Meadow.Core.dll
  5. App.exe (your app)

It's a good idea to disable mono first, copy the files, and then enable mono

Source Code Quality

This code is ugly. We know. :) Lots of different coding styles, spanning many decades and sensibilities.


Copyright Wilderness Labs Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


Meadow Command-Line-Interface for interacting with Meadow and Meadow.Cloud via terminal. Also includes `Meadow.CLI.Core`, which can be used programmatically from an app as a library.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C# 99.8%Language:Shell 0.2%