nazaninsbr / Fairness-and-Algorithmic-Decisions

Fairness and Algorithmic Decisions

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Fairness-and-Algorithmic-Decisions [reading list + notes]

Article (#1): AI Fairness Isn’t Just an Ethical Issue by Greg Satell and Yassmin Abdel-Magied (published on Oct 20, 2020)

Article (#2): Distributive Justice in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (published on Sep 22, 1996)

Notes [Section 1-4]
Concept Definition Justifications Challenges
Strict Egalitarianism "Every person should have the same level of material goods (including burdens)" [link] People are morally equal so the distribution of material goods should reflect that. (1) construction of appropriate indices of measurement (2) specification of time frames
Pareto Superior Allocations "Some allocations of material goods and services which will make some people better off without making anybody else worse off." [link]
Starting-gate Principles "Principles specifying initial distributions after which the pattern need not be preserved" [link]
Difference Principle "Social and economic inequalities are to be to the greatest benefit of the least advantaged members of society." [link]
Formal Equality of Opportunity "... rules out formal discrimination on grounds such as a person’s race, ethnicity, age or gender" [link]

Talk (#3): The Trouble with Bias by Kate Crawford (at NIPS 2017 on Dec 18, 2017)

  • Harm of allocation (resources) -> loan approval, etc. -> immediate, quantifiable, transactional
  • Harms of representation (identity) -> ad delivery, google image labels, etc. -> long term, hard to formalize, cultural

Paper (#4): Shah, Deven, H. Andrew Schwartz, and Dirk Hovy. "Predictive biases in natural language processing models: A conceptual framework and overview." arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.11078 (2019).

Article (#5): People Don't Actually Want Equality By Paul Bloom (published on Oct 22, 2015)


Fairness and Algorithmic Decisions