navyxie / react-native-note

react-native note

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


init project


  1. OS X - This guide assumes OS X which is needed for iOS development.
  2. Homebrew is the recommended way to install Watchman and Flow.
  3. Install Node.js 4.0 or newer.
  4. brew install watchman. We recommend installing watchman, otherwise you might hit a node file watching bug.
  5. brew install flow, if you want to use flow.

We recommend periodically running brew update && brew upgrade to keep your programs up-to-date.

  1. git clone
  2. cd react-native && npm install
  3. running
  • iOS:open any example (the .xcodeproj file in each of the Examples subdirectories) and hit Run in Xcode.
  • android:Note that you'll need the Android NDK installed, see prerequisites.
    • ./gradlew :Examples:Movies:android:app:installDebug
    • ./packager/ (Start the packager in a separate shell (make sure you ran npm install))
  1. Clone main react native repository from github:
  1. Copy Examples/SampleApp to Examples/AwesomeProject
  • mkdir Examples/AwesomeProject cp -R Examples/SampleApp Examples/AwesomeProject
  1. Run to point to AwesomeProject just created:
  • packager/ --root=./Examples/AwesomeProject
  1. Now reopen again AwesomeProject in Xcode and start building.

if npm install --save react-native fail , you can try above



react-native note