navidshaikh / vagrant-adbinfo

Return the proper port and IP for a docker daemon inside of the vagrant vm

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Display docker information from a vagrant machine, similar to what boot2docker provides

Based in part on the work done by Michael Kuzmin for vagrant-guestip at

#Quick Start

  • Export following in a Vagranfile
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

#Vagrant file for libvirt/kvm and virtualbox provider

# check if plugin is installed on system
unless Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-adbinfo")
  raise "vagrant-adbinfo plugin is not installed, run `vagrant plugin install vagrant-adbinfo` to install the plugin."

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "atomicapp/dev"

  # forward the guest port 2376 of `docker` daemon in guest to host port 2379 for client side tooling to connect "forwarded_port", guest: 2376, host: 2379, auto_correct: true

  config.vm.provider "libvirt" do |libvirt, override|
    libvirt.driver = "kvm"
    libvirt.memory = 1024
    libvirt.cpus = 2

  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vbox, override|
    vbox.memory = 1024
    vbox.cpus = 2

    # Enable use of more than one virtual CPU in a virtual machine.
    vbox.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--ioapic", "on"]

  • vagrant up

  • vagrant adbinfo

#How to Develop/Test

1 - Install VirtualBox (

2 - Get a box to test

3 - Build a vagrant file

4 - bundle install

5 - bundle exec vagrant up # starts the vagrant box

6 - bundle exec vagrant adbinfo # tests the command

7 - rake build # puts the gemfile in pkg/

8 - get bex to do a rake release after bumping the version number, etc.

Potential Plans/Ideas (in Priority Order)

VirtualBox Support (Priority 1a - implemented)

For the VirtualBox provider, the user is encouraged to use a forwarded_port directive (with auto_correct) in their Vagrantfile to expose the docker port.

The plugin will use the :forwarded_ports capability to find the forwarded port number and provide it with localhost as the IP address.

Why? By default Virtualbox creates a box that has no inbound network access. The pattern is to always forward ports, something that a daemon takes care.

TLS Certificate Location Support, part 2 (Priority 1b - implemented)

The TLS certificate will always land in a known spot, so we need to add that

libvirt Support (Priority 2 - not started)

For the libvirt provider, the user will be encouraged to just start the box with no special directives in the Vagrantfile.

The plugin will use the standard-docker port combined with the private IP address of the vagrant box.

Why? vagrant-libvirt has two challenges:

  1. There is currently no implementation of the :forwarded_ports capability to list all forwarded ports. Additionally the codebase does not keep track of these directly, so it is a non-trivial fix. (Though the fix may still be easy/medium).
  2. Vagrant-libvirt doesn't actually support forwarded ports directly. Instead a private network is always started and when a forwarded port is requested and instance of ssh is spawned to take care of port forwarding. Since this has non-trivial overhead, there is no reason to use it when we can just get to the box directly

Anti-Pattern Support (priority 3 - not started)

  • Support inbound network and no port forward for VirtualBox.
  • Support a port forward on libvirt.

Other Ideas (not started)

  • Support vagrant adbinfo <target> (multiple targets?)

Contact us

For queries regarding the plugin, feel free to put a note on mailing list.


Return the proper port and IP for a docker daemon inside of the vagrant vm

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:Ruby 100.0%