navidmatin / assessments-postera

Postera assignment

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Webdev Interview Challenge


At PostEra, one of our core technologies is automated retrosynthesis, where we combine ML with graph algorithms to find recipes for making complex molecules from simpler, commercially available molecules. These recipes are called "synthetic routes" or "routes", and there can be many such routes, with varying starting available molecules, reactions, risk, and cost.

We are interested in finding the best one among these routes, and this challenge involves creating a UI to help a human chemist find the best route. When a chemist is choosing a route, they are concerned with how many steps the route involves, how risky each individual step is, how many intermediate compounds they can reuse across multiple compounds they are trying to synthesize, and an long list of other factors.

For this challenge, we will be looking at real route data from our COVID Moonshot drug discovery campaign.

Cheminformatics 101

Molecules are represented in code as SMILES strings. Here's an example of the SMILES for caffeine: CN1C=NC2=C1C(=O)N(C(=O)N2C)C. Don't worry about understanding the format for now.

A retrosynthesis route is a directed bipartite graph of molecule nodes (M) and reaction nodes (R). Edges going from a M1 node and into a R node represent reaction pathways that produce the M1 molecule as a product, and edges going from a R node and into a M2 node indicate that the M2 molecule is a reactant for that reaction. For our purposes here, a reaction can accept multiple reactants and produces exactly 1 product.

Server Installation

We have a simple server implementation with FastAPI backend and React frontend. To install dependencies:

  1. Install the conda package/environment manager from This is necessary for the rdkit dependency (pip isn't currently supported - see rdkit/rdkit#1812).
  2. Use conda to create a new environment: conda create --name postera python=3.8
  3. Activate the environment: conda activate postera
  4. Install the python packages:
conda install --file conda-packages.txt
pip --no-cache-dir install -r requirements.txt
  1. Install javascript dependencies:
  • in frontend directory, call: yarn install

Run server

Inside of the conda environment, call the following in two separate terminals:

  1. in the backend directory: python
  2. in the frontend directory: yarn start

(optional): install overmind and run overmind s in the main directory


What we would like to see:

  1. Create a nested tree representation of the route data to be called by the /routes endpoint. You will need it in a format usable by the react-d3-tree package.
  • You will need to use the reactions information in the routes.json file to nest the sources by their target, where the parents are the target values, and the children are the sources lists.
  • Only display one route at a time by doing one of the following: A. Always return all route data to the frontend, and let user select which route to be displayed B. Have user select which route to be displayed and then only query that route from the backend
  1. Display routes to the user with the react-d3-tree package (demo here).
  • Each molecule should be represented as a node, initially labeled with their SMILES representation
  1. Add images to the molecule nodes
  • The /molecule endpoint (with some work) will serves SVG images that can be used
  1. Add some features to the routes There are alot of cool things we can think about adding to this representation of the routes. Try to implement one of the following features:
  • When you hover over a molecule, add the reaction name to make that molecule
  • When hover over any molecule, display its respective information from the molecules information in the route
  • Come up with a plan (don't need to implement it fully) about how we could display information about routes which is overlapping, i.e. if two routes have some of the same molecules, or some of the same reactions/reaction names, how could we present this information to the user?

We'll ask you to give us a tour of what you've built and share with us how you technically approached the problem.


Postera assignment


Language:Python 70.3%Language:JavaScript 23.4%Language:HTML 6.0%Language:Procfile 0.3%