naveen09 / spark-example-project

A Spark WordCount example as a standalone SBT project

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Spark Example Project Build Status


This is a simple word count job written in Scala for the Spark cluster computing platform. This project is inspired by Snowplow Analytics's Spark Example Project and Typesafe Activator Spark Sample Project.

See also:


Assuming you already have [SBT] [sbt] installed:

$ git clone git://
$ cd spark-example-project
$ sbt clean package

The 'fat jar' is now available as:


Unit Test

The assembly command above runs the test suite - but you can also run this manually with:

$ sbt test
[info] + A WordCount job should
[info]   + count words correctly
[info] Passed: : Total 1, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 1, Skipped 0

Load into IntelliJ Idea

Run sbt gen-idea to create Idea project files, and click File->Open... to open the project's root folder then you're all set.

Submit job to Spark on YARN

spark-submit --class me.soulmachine.spark.WordCount --master yarn://ip-or-host:7077 ./spark-example-project-1.0.jar wordcount-test/input wordcount-test/outputs

Debug locally

People never write code right at one time, so debugging is extremely important. To debug your spark program locally, you need to do:

  1. Change the val sparkDependencyScope = "provided" to val sparkDependencyScope = "compile" in build.sbt

    When you run you Spark program on a real Spark cluster, the Spark related jars are provided by the Spark cluster. When you run it locally, your machine doesn't have Spark related jars, so you need to change provided to compile.

  2. Append .setMaster("local[2]") to your SparkConf

    When you your Spark program locally, you don't have a Spark master, so you need to run it in local mode, by using the string "local" as the master. The [2] indicats to use 2 threads.

Static Analyzer

Usage: automatically runs during Compilation and evaluation in console

Usage: automatically runs during Compilation

Open target/scala-2.11/scapegoat.xml or target/scala-2.11/scapegoat.html

Coding Style Checker


Usage: sbt scalastyle

Open target/scalastyle-result.xml

Check level are all "warn", change to "error" if you want to reject code changes when integrated with CI tools.


A Spark WordCount example as a standalone SBT project

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Scala 100.0%