nauliajati / punyasundi3yansyah

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A short history

Inilah cerita singkat saya, begitu saya lahir langsung dikasih lihat akta kelahiran dan ternyata nama saya Cahyadi Triyansyah saat itu belum bisa baca, ya kan masih bayi, cuma secara lisan dikasih tau orangtua, tau gk reaksi orangtua kita ketika punya dedek, yah gitulah. Saya tumbuh besar dan gk tau lahir didaerah mana didesa apa setelah saya googling di lemari ternyata saya dilahirkan di kota Baturaja, keren kan bisa lahir di KingStonee City. Kemudian beranjak sekolah menengah pertama saya merantau ke kampung keluarga yaitu di Banjarnegara sampai ke pendidikan menegah atas yang artinya saya bisa merantau di kota tersebut dengan kurun waktu 6 tahun. Saya gk ambil pusing ketika lulus SMA langsung melanjutkan sekolah di kota pelajar yakni Yogyakarta. STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta kuliahnya orang berdasei, keren bukan? biar kuliahnya kaya orang kantoran, yoi bro sekolah itu harus rapi masak mau ke kampus pake baju oblong kaya mau ke sawah aja gk mencerminkan kependidikannya, sombong amat yak. Tapi gk tau kenapa semenjak awal tahun 2015 saya punya inisial baru dengan kata kunci 'SunDi3yansyah', itu ya artinya sama aja Cahyadi Triyansyah. yang sebelumnya saya punya inisial lagi tetapi saya tidak bisa memberitahu ke public. Dengan tekat dan usaha saat ini saya memiliki kemampuan dalam bidang komputer khususnya Web dan Server ya walaupun otodidak belajar di kos-kosan dan dapat basic teori dan praktek saat kuliah setidaknya sudah bisa membawa bekal untuk ke masa depan nanti, amin. Saya adalah orang yang suka menumbuhkan ide-ide unik atau konsep yang menakjubkan dalam dunia website.

This is the story of my brief, so I was born given directly to see a birth certificate, and it turns out my name Cahyadi Triyansyah when it can not be read, is not it still a baby, only verbally given out by parents, know no reaction to our parents when having a baby, yeah, like that. I grew up and did not know where the area was born in the village what after my googling in the closet turned out I was born in the town of Balfour, cool is not able to be born in KingStonee City. Then moved junior high school my family that migrated to the village in Banjarnegara to the upper middle education, which means I can wander in the city with a period of 6 years. I do not mind when a high school graduation directly go to school in the university town of Yogyakarta. STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta lecture the tie, cool is not it? let the rich college office, the school must be neat cook wants to wear dress shirts rich campus going to the fields alone do not reflect education, arrogant really. But do not know why since the beginning of 2015 I got a new initials on the keyword 'SunDi3yansyah', it means the same yes Cahyadi Triyansyah. I previously had the initials again but I can not tell to the public. With determination and effort at this time I have the ability in the field of computers, especially Web Server yes although self-taught and learned in boarding houses and basic theory and practice in college at least been able to bring lunch for all future time, amen. I am a person who likes to cultivate unique ideas or concepts were amazing in the world of websites.

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