nauerster / angular-blu-print

A simple starting point to get any Angular Web App up and running in a matter of minutes

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

#Angular-Blu-Print Angular Blu-Print is a simple starting point to get any Angular Web App up and running in a matter of minutes. It incorporates other open-source projects including Bootstrap, jQuery, and Animate.css which are maintained via BowerJS. A GruntJS configuration has also been implemented and provides common build processes including SASS, Compass, Compile, CSSMin, HTMLHint, Concatenation, Uglify, Watch and more.

##Dependencies: These dependencies need to be installed before trying to fire up the project.

  1. node: follow the link and click the button
  2. ruby: you should have a mac and if you do it's already there
  3. gem install sass && gem install compass
  4. npm install grunt grunt-cli bower -g installs grunt, grunt-cli & bower globally.

##Instructions: Follow these instructions to fire up Angular-Blu-Print after ensuring you have all dependencies listed above installed in your environment.

  1. In terminal, navigate to the root directory (where Gruntfile.js is located)
    • install node modules: npm install
    • install bower packages: bower install
  2. In the same directory run one of the following commands
    • grunt serve: runs all dev tasks
    • grunt test: runs all jasmine unit tests
    • grunt build: runs build tasks that minify & concat code and outputs the files to the /dist directory.

##Thirdparty Resources: These are our frontend packages that are maintained with bower

##Scaffold Note: Keeping your JS files grouped by feature rather than type, can make it a lot easier to find all files related to a feature, which helps speed up your develoment.

---| app/
    -----| bower_components/
    -----| font/
          ----| config.json
          ----| bluprint-icons
          ----| bluprint-fonts
    -----| js/
          ----| info/
          ----| main/
          ----| app.js
    -----| sass/
          ----| components/
               ----| _bluprint-icons.scss
               ----| _global.sass
               ----| _media-queries.sass
               ----| _mixins.sass
               ----| _variables.sass
          ----| views/
               ----| _info.sass
               ----| _main.sass
          ----| style.sass
    -----| views/
          ----| info/
          ----| main/
               ----| partial.main.html
    -----| index.html
---| node_modules/
---| bower.json (use to install third party dependencies)
---| package.json (use to install grunt dependencies)
---| Gruntfile.js (used to configure your grunt tasks)
---| (used to shared helpful information about the project)
---| .gitignore (used to ignore certain files and/or directories when push to remote repo)
---| .bowerrc (used to change the install location of your bower_components)


A simple starting point to get any Angular Web App up and running in a matter of minutes


Language:JavaScript 76.0%Language:CSS 24.0%