nathank000 / twitter-php

Small and easy PHP library for sending messages to Twitter and receiving statuses.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Twitter for PHP (c) David Grudl, 2008 (


Twitter for PHP is a very small and easy-to-use library for sending
messages to Twitter and receiving status updates.

Project at GitHub:
Twitter's API documentation:
My PHP blog:

- PHP (version 5 or better)
- cURL extension


Sign in to the and register an application from the page. Remember
to never reveal your consumer secrets. Click on My Access Token link from the sidebar and retrieve your own access
token. Now you have consumer key, consumer secret, access token and access token secret.

Create object using application and request/access keys

	$twitter = new Twitter($consumerKey, $consumerSecret, $accessToken, $accessTokenSecret);

The send() method updates your status. The message must be encoded in UTF-8:

	$twitter->send('I am fine today.');

The load() method returns the 20 most recent status updates
posted in the last 24 hours by you:

	$channel = $twitter->load(Twitter::ME);

or posted by you and your friends:

	$channel = $twitter->load(Twitter::ME_AND_FRIENDS);

or most recent mentions for you:

	$channel = $twitter->load(Twitter::REPLIES);

The returned channel is a SimpleXMLElement object. Extracting
the information from the channel is easy:

	foreach ($channel->status as $status) {
		echo "message: ", $status->text;
		echo "posted at " , $status->created_at;
		echo "posted by " , $status->user->name;

The authenticate() method tests if user credentials are valid:

	if (!$twitter->authenticate()) {
		die('Invalid name or password');

The search() method provides searching in twitter statuses:

	$results = $twitter->search('#nette');

The returned result is a PHP array:

	foreach ($results as $result) {
		echo "message: ", $result->text;
		echo "posted at " , $result->created_at;
		echo "posted by " , $result->form_user;

readme.txt           - This file.
license.txt          - The license for this software (New BSD License).
twitter.class.php    - The core Twitter class source.
examples/send.php    - Example sending message to Twitter.
examples/load.php    - Example loading statuses from Twitter.
examples/search.php  - Example searching on Twitter.
OAuth.php            - Andy Smith' OAuth library


Small and easy PHP library for sending messages to Twitter and receiving statuses.

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:PHP 100.0%