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	     Domain Name Server Configuration Utilities -- NSC 4.0

		    (c) 1997--2011 Martin Mares <>


WARNING: There were several incompatible changes between versions 3.1 and 4.0.
         See NEWS for the summary of changes.

   NSC is a set of shell and M4 scripts for easy maintenance of DNS zone files
and name server daemon configuration (currently available only for BIND 8.x/9.x,
but easily portable for other daemons). It has been designed to make administration
of a DNS server a piece of cake (unlike other utilities which resemble more
an English pudding :-) ), which includes automatic generation of reverse records
for all your hosts, handling of classless reverse delegations and support for IPv6
(AAAA and PTR in, not A6 and DNAME which seem to be dying out).

   NSC requires GNU m4, a POSIX-compatible shell and the `md5sum' utility (which
is present for examile in GNU coreutils). Some of the extra utilities require
Perl 5. I've tested everything on Linux (Debian Squeeze), but the whole package
should run on other unices as well.

   The whole package can be used and distributed according to the terms of the
GNU General Public License. See file COPYING in any of the GNU utility archives
(you should have one as you are expected to have at least GNU M4 ;-)).

0. Quick Howto for the Impatient
(everything will be explained in more detail in the subsequent sections)

	- Create a directory where all NSC files will reside (e.g., /etc/named)
	  and copy everything from the NSC distribution here.

	- Add an include directive to your BIND configuration file (usually
	  /etc/bind/named.conf), referring to /etc/named/named.conf.

	- Change directory to /etc/named

	- Edit cf/domains to suit your needs -- replace the example domains
	  by your entries.

	- Create cf/<domain-name> for all domains (again, you can easily follow
	  the example domains).

	- If you are using BIND 9.x, make the `bak' directory writable
	  by the bind user.

	- Run bin/nsconfig (Makefile and named.conf will be generated).

	- Run make.

	- Enjoy your new DNS setup. If everything goes OK, be happy. Else
	  write a bug report :-)

	- Every time you modify the domain files, re-run make. If you have
	  added or removed domains or changed options which affect named.conf,
	  re-run bin/nsconfig before make.

   An interesting companion to this package is the DNS Sleuth -- a DNS zone
consistency checker. It's a simple utility written in Perl with help of the
DNS module and it should be able to detect all common errors in DNS setup
(I have written it after much disappointment with the other checkers).
The Sleuth is available online on,
follow the links to download the source.

1. Directory structure
The NSC directory (/etc/named in the above example) contains the following
files and subdirectories:

	cf/			- user-defined configuration files
	cf/domains		- the domain list (see Section 2)
	cf/config		- global settings (see Section 3)
	cf/<domain>		- each domain has its own config file
	bin/			- commands (e.g., nsconfig)
	m4/			- M4 scripts (used by the commands)
	zone/			- primary zone files
	bak/			- backups of zones we serve as a secondary NS for
	hash/			- hashes of zone files used for detection of changes
	ver/			- version files where NSC remembers version
				  numbers of the primary zones

   How are different files created:

	- You create everything in cf/.
	- Then you run bin/nsconfig.
	- Makefile and named.conf gets created according to cf/domains.
	- You run make.
	- The Makefile creates primary zone files in zone/ and version files
	  in ver/ and tells BIND to reload its configuration.
	- BIND downloads contents of secondary zones and puts them to bak/.

2. The Domain List File
The domain list contains configuration commands describing all domains handled
by your server and their parameters. In fact, it's a M4 script, but viewing it as
a config file is a good approximation (however, see Section 8 for some caveats).
Lines starting with a semicolon are treated as comments and ignored. Text outside
declarations is silently ignored.

You can specify:

PRIMARY(zone, [extra-files...])
		Define a zone (domain) we run a primary name server for.
		The contents of the zone are described in cf/<zone>
		and possibly in other specified cf files (all files are
		concatenated to produce a single configuration). See the next
		section for a look inside these files.

		When the zone name contains a slash (as happens in classless
		reverse zones), it is replaced by "@" in the cf file name.

SECONDARY(zone, primary)
		Define a zone we run a secondary name server for.
		"primary" is an IP address of the primary name server.

REVERSE(network, primary-files...)
		Define a reverse zone for the given network. The network name
		consists of several numbers separated by dots, just like an IP
		address does, but the network usually has only 3 components.
		Each reverse zone has its own config file cf/<network> which
		can of course specify the contents of the zone.

		However, there is a more convenient method to generate the PTR
		records directly from the A records: just specify the REVERSE
		directive in cf/<network> and then include all the config files
		for the primary zones containing hosts from this network. The
		automatic concatenation of multiple primary-files comes very
		handy for that.

		In fact, REVERSE(network, p-f...) is almost an equivalent of
		PRIMARY(REV(network), p-f...) where REV(network) is a macro
		translating network numbers to names of the corresponding
		reverse zones [e.g., REV(1.2.3) equals].
		The only difference is that although the domain name is translated
		by REV, the config file is still named according to the network.
		You can also use the REV macro explicitly, which can be handy
		for example in SECONDARY declarations.

		Insert a definition of hints for reaching root servers into named.conf.
		This is necessary if you want your DNS server to resolve foreign
		domains; otherwise, it will only give out authoritative answers
		for locally defined zones and forward queries. The location of the
		file with the hints can be set by the ROOTCACHE directive (see below).

FORWARDED(zone, ip...)
		Define a forwarding zone. All queries are forwarded to the
		specified name servers.

		Define an empty zone according to RFC 6303. This is usually done
		for zones for which clients are known to erroneously ask queries
		(e.g., reverse resolving of link-local addresses). The contents
		served for these zones is taken from cf/blackhole.

	more options;
		Define options to be inserted to all subsequent zone declarations
		until the next ZONE_OPTIONS command. Please keep in mind that the
		semicolon character act as M4 comment, so you need to put the
		closing quote at a separate line. See our example cf/domains.

		Insert user data to named.conf, again beware of semicolons.

		Insert user data to Makefile.

3. The Domain Files
The domain files contain descriptions of all DNS records for the given
domain, starting with the SOA record. Again, these are M4 scripts and the
declarations are macro calls. Lines starting with a semicolon are treated
as comments and just copied to the generated zone file. Text outside
declarations is copied to the zone file as well, so you can spice up the NSC
output with your own records.

All host or domain names are either names relative to the current domain
with no dots inside or absolute names (in this case, NSC automatically
ensures that the trailing dot is present in the resource records). Relative
names with dots are not supported, but they are rare and you can always write
them as absolute anyway.

Your menu:

		Generate a SOA record for the domain. This must be the first
		declaration in the config file. The parameters of the SOA
		are taken from configuration variables (see below). The
		serial number is calculated from the version number remembered
		in the version file, following the usual practice of encoding
		current date and a sequence number within the current day
		in the serial number, which is guaranteed to be strictly
		increasing unless you perform more than 99 updates in a single
		day (in which case NSC stops and tells you to tweak the serial
		number manually).

		The SOA record otherwise acts like a sub-domain (D) declaration,
		therefore it can be followed by other records like NS (mandatory)
		or MX.

		Start declaration of a host. Doesn't generate anything, only
		remembers the host's name.

		Specify addresses for the current host. In the normal mode, it
		creates A records, in the reverse mode, PTR records.

H(host, addr...)
		A shortcut for H(host) ADDR(addr...) -- in many cases everything
		you need for a single host.

		Like ADDR, but suppresses PTR records. (This one is useful if you
		have a single IP address used for zillions of names and you want
		to avoid having zillions of PTR records for the same address.)

DH(host, addr...)
		A shortcut for H(host) DADDR(addr...)

		Start declaration of a sub-domain. Technically the same as H(domain),
		but this one should be more intuitive.

GLUE(ns, addr...)
		Specify a glue record for a name server contained within a sub-domain
		it's a primary for. Currently it's an equivalent of DH(ns, addr...).

		Specify a list of name server names for the current domain
		(started by either a SOA or D declaration). Generates NS records.

		Specify a list of mail exchangers for the current host or domain.
		Each mail exchanger should be preceded by a priority. Generates
		MX records.

		Specify a HINFO record for the current host. Very rare in the
		today's Internet.

		Specify a list of aliases for the current host or domain.
		Generates a series of CNAME records pointing from the aliases
		to the current host/domain.

		Specify a TXT record for the current host or domain.

RP(mail, txt)
		Specify a RP (responsible person) record for the current host or domain.
		The first argument is a mail address in DNS notation (with `@' replaced
		by `.' as in the SOA record), the second one is a name of a TXT record
		with contact information.

SRV(service, protocol, priority, weight, port, target)
		Specify a SRV (service) record for the current host or domain.

CNAME(src, dest)
		Generate a CNAME record -- "src" points to "dest".

PTR(src, dest)
		Generate a PTR record -- "src" points to "dest". It's a common
		record in reverse zones (and although it's legal in forward
		zones as well, such use is very rare), however it's more convenient
		to have your PTR's generated by the REVERSE directive. But if you
		need anything special, here is the tool.

REVBLOCK(subdomain, min, max)
		Generate a series of CNAME records numbered from `min' to `max'
		and pointing to the same name in the given sub-domain, finally
		declaring the sub-domain as well, so you can continue with its
		NS records.

		Example: REVBLOCK(a, 16, 18) NS( yields

			16	CNAME	16.a
			17	CNAME	17.a
			18	CNAME	18.a
			a	NS

		This is a very common construct for classless reverse delegations,
		see Section 6 for more details.

		Switch to reverse mode. From this point on, all output is suppressed
		except for ADDR declarations belonging to the specified network which
		are automatically converted to PTR records.

		With help of this feature, defining reverse zones can be as easy as:

			; Reverse zone for a.k.a.
			; Include all primary zones containing ADDR's from this range,
			; which can be accomplished by a multi-file REVERSE declaration
			; in cf/domains.

4. Configuration variables
There is a fair amount of configuration variables (which are in reality normal
M4 macros). Each variable has a hard-wired default value which can be overridden
in cf/config by re-defining the variable. Also, all other config files can specify
their local definitions, but you need to be careful to change the variable before
it is used for the first time.

To change the setting, use

		define(`variable', `value')

As usually, even this config file is a M4 script. Comments can be started by
semicolons, text outside macros is ignored.

The following variables are available:

NAMED_RESTART_CMD	Shell command for restarting the name server daemon
			(default: ndc restart)

ROOT			Root directory of the whole package (default: /etc/named)
CFDIR			Directory with config files (default: cf)
ZONEDIR			Directory with zone files (default: zone)
BAKDIR			Directory with backup files (default: bak)
HASHDIR			Directory with zone hashes (default: hash)
VERSDIR			Directory with version files (default: var)
ROOTCACHE		File with the cache of root name servers

REFRESH			SOA record parameters
NSNAME			Origin server (default: hostname of your machine)
MAINTNAME		Domain maintainer name (default: root@NSNAME)

For the timing parameters, the following shortcuts are available:

HOURS(n)		Convert hours to seconds
MINUTES(n)		Convert minutes to seconds
DAYS(n)			Convert days to seconds

5. Makefile targets
The Makefile generated by NSC offers the following targets:

	all (default)		- update all zone files and reload the daemon
	clean			- clean all generated zone files, backups, and hashes
	clobber			- clean + delete Makefile and named.conf
				  (wise to do after major reconfigurations)
	distclean		- clobber + delete all version files (use only
				  if you really know what you are doing as the
				  serial number information in newly generated
				  files might be inconsistent then).

6. Classless reverse delegations
NSC also supports classless delegations for reverse zones using the mechanism
described in RFC 2317, i.e. by putting CNAME records to the reverse zone which
point to records of the same name in a sub-domain which you can delegate directly.

For example if you want to delegate 64-127 in to,
you create a 64/26 sub-domain (26 is the network prefix length) and add the following
records to

	64	CNAME	64.64/
	65	CNAME	65.64/
	127	CNAME	127.64/

	64/26	NS

Then you configure to be a primary name server for the zone
64/ and put the PTR records there:

	64	PTR
	65	PTR
	127	PTR

NSC offers special primitives for configuring such delegations, but not limited
to the sub-domain name syntax shown above (which is recommended by the RFC, but it's
far from being the only one used in the real world, other possibilities being for
example 64-127, 64+64 etc.).

The CNAME block can be generated by the REVBLOCK(subdomain-name, low-addr, high-addr)
directive in the configuration of the whole reverse zone. The example above would
be written as:

	REVBLOCK(64/26, 64, 127)

The sub-zone can be created automatically like any another reverse zone, you only
need to use the three-parameter form of the REVERSE directive to specify the
address range in order to filter out possible hosts falling outside your range.

CAVEAT: The slashes in zone names are automatically translated to @'s when forming
file names.

Again for the example above, you need to put the following to cf/domains:

	REVERSE(, <list-of-domains-to-gather-the-addresses-from>)

And to cf/64@

	REVERSE(10.0.0, 64, 127)

NOTE: It's usually helpful to configure the primary name server for the parent
domain (i.e., the one where you configure the delegation and create the CNAME's)
as a secondary for the sub-zone as well, so if it replies with the CNAME, it will
include the PTR record pointed to by the CNAME in the additional section of its
reply, eliminating the need for an extra query.

7. Support for IPv6
NSC also supports IPv6 in a pretty straightforward form: wherever you can write
an IPv4 address, you can use an IPv6 address as well. Incomplete IP addresses
or ranges used for specifying address blocks for reverse delegations are replaced
by network prefixes of the standard form <address>/<prefix-length>.


	H(ianus,, fec0::1234:5678:9abc:def0)

specifies a dual-stack host with both an A record and an AAAA record.

CAVEAT: The backward-compatible IPv6 address syntax with ":v.w.x.y" at the end
is not supported. All other syntaxes and quirks hopefully are.

8. Interaction with M4
All config files are fully-fledged M4 scripts, so you can use any M4 features
you need, the most helpful one being definition of your own macros by

	define(`macro_name', `expansion')

However, there is a couple of things you need to care about:

  o  The comment character is redefined to `;'. I.e., wherever a semicolon
     occurs, the rest of the line is a comment which is copied verbatim
     to the output file (if the output is not suppressed like in case
     of the cf/domains file).

  o  Names starting with 'nsc_' or spelled in all caps are reserved
     for the NSC itself and unless documented, messing with them can
     bring surprising results. If you need to use such a name in your
     zone file (maybe you like to shout in your host names :-) ),
     quote it like `this'.

  o  Don't use commas, quotes nor parentheses in your record names.

9. Other utilities
convert		A simple Perl script for conversion of zone files to NSC
		domain files. Requires the Net::DNS module (available from
		CPAN at; present in recent versions of Perl).
		Keep in mind that the script is very simple and its craft
		is of a very limited kind, so check its output carefully.

chkdel		A simple Perl script for checking of domain delegations --
		it checks all PRIMARY and SECONDARY records in cf/domains
		against NS records. Requires the Net::DNS module and also
		some tweaking of parameters at the top of the script.


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Language:Perl 76.1%Language:Shell 21.0%Language:Fortran 2.9%