Just a quick script that generates realistic looking but fake PII data, for use w/ DLP testing
Slow, terrible. But it works.
# Create 1000 records, export to a CSV (using the default output name)
. .\Invoke-PIIGenerator.ps1 -PIICount 1000 -GenerateCSV
# Create 500 records, export to a CSV using a custom output name
. .\Invoke-PIIGenerator.ps1 -PIICount 500 -GenerateCSV -OutputFile "test-PII-500.csv"
# Create 1000 records, export to a CSV using a custom output name, enable verbose output
. .\Invoke-PIIGenerator.ps1 -PIICount 1000 -GenerateCSV -OutputFile "test-PII-1000.csv" -v
# Create 100 records, enable verbose output
PS > $sample = . .\Invoke-PIIGenerator.ps1 -PIICount 50 -v
Generating 50 PII records
Generated 50 PII records in: 4.4378098 seconds
PS > $sample[0]
FirstName : Bria
LastName : Farrell
Email : briameek@roundsoft.au
Phone : (812) 617-5120
Address : 135 Docxiguy Coves
City : Greensboro
State : Maine
Zip : 46208
SSN : 555-07-2259
Birthday : 10/1/1944
CreditCard : 375370188073435
CreditCardExpiration : 4/17/2024
CreditCardCVV : 031
CreditCardType : Discover
Company : Escobar and Sons
JobTitle : Pharmacy assistant