natemurthy / simple-avro-kafka-golang

Simple Avro Kafka using Golang for Producer and Consumer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This repository created to show the example for using Avro for serialization & Kafka for publish-subscribe messaging with (Golang) as Simple Producer and Consumer

Running Kafka

Download the latest Kafka version from this link Kafka Download Page and choose the binary downloads.

    > Extract the binaries into some folder. For the example in project/kafka.
	> Go to your kafka extract directory.
    > Start the Zookeeper server with this command `bin/ config/`
    > Start the Kafka server with this command `bin/ config/`
    > Create the topic : `bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic simple-avro-kafka-golang`
    > If you want to show the topic list, you can using this command `bin/ --list --zookeeper localhost:2181`
    > Start simple producer for publish message to the topic `bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic simple-avro-kafka-golang`
    > For start simple consumer that can consume message from the topic, you can use this command `bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic javaworld --from-beginning`

Running Simple Kafka Producer using Golang

    > Make sure Running Kafka step already done.
    > Go to your kafka producer directory.
    > start using go run main.go

Running Simple Kafka Consumer using Golang

    > Make sure Running Kafka step already done.
	> Go to your kafka consumer directory.
	> start using go run main.go

Send Testing Message using POSTMAN

Make sure you already have POSTMAN

    > Open your POSTMAN.
	> Fill the url with localhost:3000 and choose POST method
	> Select Body tab and choose raw JSON (application/json) and then try to send message with JSON data
      	"role": "user",
      	"data": {
      		"name": "Dekisugi"


Simple Avro Kafka using Golang for Producer and Consumer


Language:Go 100.0%