natediddy / copy

Copy files/directories

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a small command line program that basically just copies files and directories from one location to another. It is similar to the standard `cp' command except that it provides progress updates during copy operations (but admittedly has a lot less options and probably a lot more security vulnerabilities compared to the former).




-c SIZE, --chunk-size=SIZE     Set the size of the inidividual chunks of
                               data that will be read and written during
                               copy operations to SIZE bytes. The default
                               for this value is 4000 bytes (4kB).
-o, --preserve-ownership       Preserve ownership.
-p, --preserve-permissions     Preserve permissions.
-P, --preserve-all             Preserve all timestamp, ownership, and
                               permission data.
-t, --preserve-timestamp       Preserve timestamps.
-u INTERVAL, --update-interval=INTERVAL
                               Set the progress update interval to every
                               INTERVAL seconds. The default for this
                               value 0.5 seconds.
-V, --verify                   Perform a MD5 checksum verification after
                               all copy operations are finished to ensure
                               integrity of the files. Note that using
                               this option may take considerably more time
                               to complete.
--no-progress                  Do not show any progress updates during
                               copy operations.
--no-report                    Do not show completion report after all
                               copy operations are finished.
--no-sound                     Do not play notification sound when all
                               operations are finished.
                               NOTE: This option only exists if the
                                     program was compiled with sound
-h, --help                     Print this message and exit.
-v, --version                  Print version information and exit.

Compiling and Installing

Some Windows code has been added but this program will most likely only run on Linux machines. It was written on Ubuntu 12.04.

To set up the build environment, navigate to the copy source directory and run:


To configure:


If you would like to enable the handy notification sound upon completion of all copy operations, make sure SDL and SDL_sound are installed on your machine, and then run:

./configure --enable-sound

To compile:


And finally to install to the default location of /usr/local/bin:

sudo make install

If you would like to install to another location (such as /usr/bin in the following example), use the 'prefix' variable:

sudo make prefix=/usr install

If the '--enable-sound' option was used earlier when calling ./configure, the audio file 'complete.oga' will be installed at: ${prefix}/share/copy/sounds/complete.oga.


Copy files/directories


Language:C 92.5%Language:Shell 7.5%